lifespan develeopment is essential to understnading human development

demonstrate your understanding of ethical framework
August 2, 2020
Atrium of Canada,
August 3, 2020

lifespan develeopment is essential to understnading human development

CRITICALLY EVALUATE the following claim:The concept of Lifespan development is essential to understanding human developmentIn your essay you should:
1. Adopt a position or state an opinion
For example
The concept of Lifespan development is essential to understanding human development
The concept of lifespan development is vital to understanding human development
It is not essential to use the concept of lifespan development in order to understand human development2. Provide evidence for your position
You must SUBSTANTIATE you position. Thus, your evidence should support your position. You should also attempt to dismiss contradictory evidence. You can support the concept, while also acknowledging its problems.
3. Evidence for your position should include
A clear description of the concept, and, theoretical positions and empirical evidence that provide reasons for why the concept is important or not.