Case Study 1: Cyber Security in Business Organizations
April 1, 2020
Hometown Deli Case Study
April 1, 2020

Library Project Summaries

Library Project Summaries

Paper instructions:
See attachment Brainstorming to know the topic. Follow the instruction

After you’ve located a variety of sources discussing your topic (see attachment Resources), select the three best ones to print, carefully read, and annotate.

Briefly summarize each in 10-12 sentences. Each summary should include much of the following: name of author, title of article, main idea (all in sentence #1) and

major supporting details.

Research reflection
The summary might be two-three paragraphs talking about what you learned about choosing and narrowing a research topic, locating sources, summarizing those

sources, or general research through examples from your own process for completing this project, as well as a brief discussion of what you learned about your topic.

This document should be proofread for spelling and grammar.