1) For these items, in what ways does the language in the advertising reflect the target audience(women vs. men)? And what ideologies does this reflect? Find 10 examples (total across all your example items) of paradigmatic choices that reflect a cultural assumption (hegemonic ideology) about gender and explain the specific hegemonic ideology behind the choice. Give an alternative choice that
could have been made and explain how the choice that was made reflects the ideology.
2) In what ways do the non-linguistic choices (pictures, colours…) reflect the target audience (women vs. men)? And what ideologies does this reflect? (Give specific examples and explain them –at least 3 examples).
3) Compare the catalogue from the expensive store with that from the cheaper store:Which choices (linguistic or non-linguistic) show the status of the store? Find 4 examples of a choice (linguistic or non-linguistic) that reflects a dominant ideology about wealth (For example, the activities that are suggested by the product for sale).
4) Find one example of an assumption that shows interaction between ideologies of status and gender; that is, an example of a choice that reflects an ideology about rich women (but not men or poor women) or about poor men (but not women or rich men) or about poor women….
5) Binomial order – find at least two examples of a binomial (your pdf viewer’s search function will help you with this), does the male or female come first? Why is that order used in these examples?
A professional analysis would require more advanced statistical techniques, but as an introductory
analysis, please do a quantitative (“counting”) analysis of the following questions.
1) Predict a pair of words that you think would be more likely to occur in the high-end/low-end catalogues. For example, luxurious/value. The word “luxurious” is probably more likely to occur in a
catalogue aimed at the rich, whereas “value” is more likely to occur in a catalogue aimed at those
earning less money. (DON’T USE THAT PAIR – FIND ANOTHER PAIR)
Test your prediction in your catalogues: Count the number of instances of the words you predicted in each of the catalogues (the “search” function in your pdf viewer will allow you to do this) and compare the ratio of those words in the two catalogues.
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Posted on May 24, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions