Topic: Letters to the editor in public health
Order Description
Dear writer,
This is the required information that you need to write the assignment for me.
1. Maximum word limit: 700 words (EXCLUDING details of source article – see #1 below) (PLEASE WRITE THE LETTER 700 AND WRITE THE INFORMATION OF THE SOURCE BY THE REST OF THE WORDS)
Maximum number of references: 10 (references are not included in word count)
Table: (optional) – 1 only
2. You have to choose one of the topics below (BUT I HAVE ALREADY CHOSEN).
Submit your letter under one of the following topic headings:
3. The assignment have to be Letter to the editor
Public health journals usually have a section for “LETTER TO THE EDITOR”. Letters to the editor are typically brief research reports (reporting original data), comments on topics of current public health interest or correspondence about an article that has appeared in a previous journal edition. They are short – usually about 500 words but no more than 1000 words, they may contain a table, and 5 to 10 references. (I WOULD LIKE IT TO BE 700 WORDS WITH 10 REFRENCES)
In this assignment, you are asked to write a letter to the editor of a public health journal in Australia to inform the readership about a topic of current public health interest. The topic of your letter must fall within one of the headings listed above.
4. For your letter to the editor you need to
• Choose a topic of public health interest which has appeared in a major newspaper SINCE 1 JAN, 2012 (you will need to provide the date, title of the article and the newspaper, journalist name, short summary of the story; or provide a web link to the story).
• Review the literature and data available on this issue, using appropriate public health resources.
• Decide on the point you wish to make, and the direction of your letter.
• Create an interesting but informative title for your letter.
• Write your letter in such a way that you demonstrate your public health knowledge and skills. You are required to provide a brief background to the issue, and should provide an informative, researched discussion.