Washburn International: Guitars and Break-Even/Marketing Principles
September 3, 2020
Inventory Management
September 3, 2020

letter to the judge

letter to the judge

this letter is to the judge for a speeding ticket and i want it to be more formal and asking for dismissal and mercy in effecting way

Your honor .here is what happens  I stopped to take a break at station to fill gas  and after I finished i went to complete my trip and when I entered the two line  highway , there were three trucks on the right line of the road and there was a speeding car Who passed me and the three trucks and then i moved to the left line and when i approached the three trucks i looked to the rear mirror and found a car coming closer so fast so I increased my speed and i was going 80mph so i can pass the trucks safely and the reason for the pace  is due to the air pressure and some of the  truck drivers do not use signals when moving from one line to the other line and do not have full control of the truck ,swerving on road and when I looked mirror for the second time i saw that the car approached my vehicle so closely  , was tailgating me rushing ,pushing at high speed i had to increase my speed to pass the trucks, in order to allow the car to pass to avoid any danger situation then i found out he is an officer after he turned his lights on and stopped me after i pace and wrote me a ticket for the speed after he was tailgating me .
I am a full time student, and i live in Johnson city Tennessee it is 5 hours driving and i am hoping to get me excused from coming to court , i am  takin 16 credit hours in the fall semester . I have called many lawyers and they are asking from 1500-3500 $ which i can’t afford and i am hardly living. I am hoping to get the ticket dismissed and I trust your judgment