Lending institutions, healthcare and human capital

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September 16, 2020

Lending institutions, healthcare and human capital

Developing countries such as Zambia lack some essential necessities that would assist them in raising the poor living standards that adversely affect their country’s economy. Lending institutions such as word bank and IMF offer their support by provision of funds, loans and grants for policies or projects set aside to fight global social-economic crises and poverty. Health care and human capital are the main areas that this assistance is required. Basically, appropriate healthcareis vital for a healthy population.Human capital is gained when there is a proper strategy observed.

These financial institutions have helped the developing countries in achieving some of their goals such as in reducing extreme poverty caused by uncertain global social-economic climate such as floods, drought, earthquakes, tsunamis etc, developing good economic opportunities and autonomy for the developing countries to ensure they are in a position to depend on their economy.(Delavande, 2011)They also have helped in funding for education where free primary education is provided to ensure pupils from poor backgrounds achieve education, improving maternal health where interventions are made easily accessibleas well as reducing child mortality rate to enhance children under the age of five survival through better healthcare provisions. Since deforestation, greenhouse effects are increasing global change the lending institutions ensures there is environmental sustainability. These institutions also create employment opportunities in the developing countries where people get jobs in the organizations they put in place in the countries and enables development of such institutions in order to embrace more workers.

However, the financial institutions hinder the social-economic development of the developing countries since the people get to rely on the foreign aids and neglect the skills and talents to do ordinary jobs. This overdependence on the developed countries leads to a slow growing economy thus leading to poor development especially in the infrastructure development where good all weather roads are less.(Harris, 1992) The social amenities such as electricity, water and proper sanitation are yet to be achieved especially in the remote areas. The currency in most developing countries has gone low and of less value since the developed countries look down on the poor countries and tend to control them.

Substantive ways a healthy population strengthens Zambia

A healthy population is a key to every step to development and once a community is free from deterring diseases then that particular community can be said to be a healthy working and more so, a very fast developing society since the people will be very innovative and full of growth ideas.

Some of the ways Zambia has put in place includes; improved treatment by providing proper medication which has lessened the burden of the Zambians especially families, government through the initiatives that thwart certain illnesses. Immunization of children has reduced the child mortality rate and improved the living standards. Communicable diseases have also been addressed and have gone low since people learnt of how they could prevent themselves from such illnesses.

They have also improved learning strategies as there is reduction of diseases and improved nutrition especially during childhood which leads to cognitive development as more children will avail themselves for school. Due to enhanced learning the mechanisms will increase human capital an essential part to development of economic growth.

Manageable family sizes, through the reproductive health and sexual investments, reduced poverty will be enhanced by reducing the family sizes.(Fineout-Overholt, 2011). This will enable the families as well as the government is in a position to improve birth rates and population growth. At the community level related investments leads to demographic changes conducive to economic development. Reduced infant mortality rate leads to a population growth since GDP pa capital will not be on the decrease.

Increased availability of land for productive use has helped many especially from the farming areas where cultivation is enhanced through eliminating of illnesses and upkeep of nutritional standards.(Danchurchaid ,2005) The farmers can manage to produce their own food as well as for commercial purpose where they get their income from thus raising the living standards enhancing a stable economy. In addition, proper healthcare and good hygiene has made an increase to the growth of the economy. Healthier individuals will habitually save more and more and thus this kind of accumulative saving of capital will fuel growth through investment.

How Zambia’s leadership has used foreign aid to improve its healthcare systems

Through the help from lending and financial institutions, Zambia has used that chance to provide education demanded by our Today’s World. Through some funds Zambia receives, she has offered free primary education and also boosted secondary as well as tertiary levels so as to enhance educational development for the betterment of the economy’s growth. As long as the youths are educated then hygiene measures as well as management will be in order. This will improve the healthcare systems. She has also been able to use the foreign aid to improve the medical, pharmaceuticals, by providing the necessary drugs required for various illnesses. (Pretty, 2012). The healthcare system is now better at providing most profits for health insurances, pharmaceuticals and other private healthcare businesses.


Delavande, A., Giné, X., & McKenzie, D. (2011). Eliciting probabilistic expectations with visual aids in developing countries: how sensitive are answers to variations in elicitation design?

Harris, N., Great Britain, & University College, L. (1992). Cities in the 1990s: The challenge for developing countries : highlights from a workshop of representatives of international aid agencies and governments in developing countries to consider the new urban policy statements of the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme, and the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements, November 1991. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2011). Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Pretty, J. N., Williams, S., & Toulmin, C. (2012). Sustainable Intensification: Increasing Productivity in African Food and Agricultural Systems. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis.

Zambia, Zambia Land Alliance, & Danchurchaid (2005). Baseline survey on women’s access to agricultural land in Zambia: Research report. Lusaka: Republic of Zambia, Gender in Development Division.

Global Telehealth 2012, S., Armfield, N. R., & Eikelboom, R. H. (2012). Global telehealth 2012: Delivering quality healthcare anywhere through telehealth : selected papers from Global telehealth 2012 (GT2012). Amsterdam: IOS Press.