This is what my professor said, please follow what he said to rewrite the paper, thank you. You do not have to modify the reference page, so it is still 5 pages. I will upload my original paper later.
“The paper I received had no cases attached nor did it have an annotated first draft indicating peer review as instructed.
The 5 pages submitted contains an unbalanced set of facts with no arguable employer defense [e.g., possible reasonable accommodation, interactive process, whether Daniels can fulfill the essential functions of the job, what are they, etc.] You cite, but do not attach, a 1st Circuit case, and a pregnancy case that has nothing to do with your situation. The analysis is both conclusory [doesn’t use the facts] and wrong, and offers no set of improved management practices that might help in the future. In sum, you offer no evidence whatsoever of having mastered any of the skills or materials covered in the course. ”
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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions