Legal Memoradum Academic Essay

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Legal Memoradum Academic Essay

I really like how you written my brief, so here is another assignment. I need to write a legal memorandum. Below is the instructions. I hope you understand the statues and how to cite.

Here is my question:
Under Illinois law, can the state stop payments on public employee pensions?

Submit an outline of your course project. Include your issue(s), preliminary version of the “rule” or short answer to the extent you have been able to identify it, and a detailed draft of your discussion section.

The discussion section should organize and structure the components of your analysis. For example, you might have a paragraph to describe each applicable statute, a paragraph for cases on point, one or more paragraphs about what the scholarly secondary sources say on your issue, and/or a paragraph about any administrative rules, regulations, codes, or other issues that apply. Use the outline to structure and set out the information that you have reviewed and analyzed in your research. You may find that there is no single, clear answer to the question you have asked, or that the answer depends upon other factors. That is fine — your job is simply to set out what you have discovered whether or not is the expected or desired outcome.
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Posted on May 21, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions