Legacy: How will history see me?

Ethical Case Analysis
May 17, 2020
Our comp
May 17, 2020

Legacy: How will history see me?

Legacy: How will history see me?
Answer the following questions in paragraph short answer form:
1. What is your personal definition of a legacy?
2. How do we measure a person’s legacy?
3. What legacy do you hope to leave as a high school graduate? (Hint: When people in the future are asked about you how you would like them to describe you?)
4. Why or should not men and women live their lives in accordance to a standard in which they will achieve a lasting legacy?

1. Flawless MLA Formatting
2. 2 Full pages (including MLA formatting) €“ no more
3. Answer questions 1,2,3 and 4
4. Do not type questions: rather incorporate the question into your topic sentence
5. Begin each answer with Although/Even though thesis format. End each with an Ultimately statement