Risk Management. What damages occurs when the risks commence?
March 25, 2020
Cause/Effect essay
March 25, 2020

LED lighting producer

LED is an electrical device that emits red color in a circuit whenever electrocute is passing through.

List of components:
-Anode (+)
-cathode (-)
-plastic lid (housing)

Write a paper describing red LED( light emitting diode) lights that can be used in engineering fields.

Follow what on top. It must be contain of
-Introduction (technical definition, overall physical description and the components),
-Functional overview,
-(a picture of an LED with measurements and arrows directed to the parts) use source and cite it
-Discussion of the components ( talk about each part in it with its technical definition, its function and the physical description of it (the description should be mechanism)
-finally conclusion ( restate the technical definition and the components with brief definition and conclude sentence that is not your opinion.