Learning Journal Academic Essay

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Learning Journal Academic Essay

For most of the first 10 weeks of the session, students are required to maintain a Learning Journal in the Blog section of Interact. A total of 8 entries are required for Weeks 1-6 and Weeks 9 & 10 respectively. Requirements for each entry are included in the relevant Weekly Modules. Weekly entries should be no more than 250 words and address the issues specified in the modules. Additional marks are awarded for regular participation in discussion forums for the relevant topics in Interact, hence it is strongly recommended that students keep up with the topics on a weekly basis. Dropping behind will result in discussions being missed and marks being dropped.

Assessment Task 2 has been designed to test your understanding of the topic content for Weeks 1 to 10 and to assess how well you are able to apply these topics to ‘real world’ case studies and associated challenges and opportunities. Importantly all of the knowledge embedded in the modules is essential for your end of session presentation (i.e. Assessment Task 3). In particular this assessment is designed to evaluate Learning Outcomes 1, 4 & 5.
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Posted on May 2, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions