May 8, 2020
Semiotic interpretation of an image
May 8, 2020

Learning Disabilities

Qualities of someone you know well

Paper instructions:
Second major essay: Illustration
Minimum length: 500 words€”Maximum length 700 words

1. Best things in life definitely not free
2. Qualities of someone you know well
3. Something(s) annoying

Remember, each of the above is a basic topic suggestion. You are not to use any of them as the titles. You have to come up with something original. Also, don’t forget about having your thesis statement placed as the last sentence in the introductory paragraph. And the thesis should include an explicitly stated three point plan of development.

I specifically want the essay written from the first person view point. That means you are going to be using I and me. It’s from your view point. I do not want to read a boring essay filled with all types of generalities about people. I want to know about you and how the topic selected affects you.

What are the ways a writer may illustrate ideas?
€¢    Facts
€¢    Statistics
€¢    Expert Opinion
€¢    Personal Observation
€¢    Anecdotes
€¢    Figurative language: simile, metaphor, personification
€¢    Allusions
€¢    Examples

Ten Reminders:
1.  Follow MLA format in all particulars.
2. Make up an original title
3.  Place the thesis statement placed at end of introductory paragraph.
4.  Check to make certain the thesis contains explicitly stated three-point plan of development.
5. Check to make certain body paragraphs each begin with a sentence which relates to one of the three points.
6. Use concrete, specific diction.
7. Use at least three examples of figurative language labeled by (S), (M), or (P)
8.  Put any slang in quotation marks. (Cont. next page)