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March 12, 2020

Learning Community plan

Learning Community plan


Preparing for this assignment: Please refer to the Unit Map to determine which learning content and online activities are most relevant for this assignment.
Only one reference list (covering both Part A and Part B) needs to be provided for this assignment. The word count for the reference list does not need to be included in the word count for the assignment.

Part A – Learning Community Definition

Responses to this part of the assignment should be based on content and readings provided in the unit and on readings you have sources yourself. It is expected that you refer to, and correctly reference, these readings in your assignment.

(i) Develop a definition of a Learning Community based on relevant readings.

(ii) Choose one learning approach that can be used in a learning community and two different online tools that could be used as part of a learning environment using that approach. Describe the learning approach and how the two online tools can be used to support that approach. You may use one, or more, particular examples of where this has already been done to illustrate your explanation.

Part B – Learning Community Exposed
My elearning community which I participate in is:
Australian Flexible Learning Community
Responses to this part of the assignment should be based on a learning community experience. The best way to answer is to participate in a learning community for a period of time, but if unable to do this then talk with someone who has and reflect on his or her experience. The experience description should include the components below.

(i) Describe the learning community including purpose, learning approach, learning environment, participants, timeframe.

(ii) Describe the setup of the learning community including promotion, selection of participants, initial creation, technical aspects (including technical support), training, implementation.

(iii) Based on the definition of a learning community that you developed in Part A, explain why your chosen online environment is a learning community.
Part A – Learning Community Further Exposed
Responses to this part of the assignment should be based on the same learning community experience that you reported about in Assignment 1. You can use your Blog entries as a guide to what you report. It is expected that you refer to, and correctly, reference relevant readings.
(i) Detail participation in the learning community including the role played, the contribution made, and the ?�learning’ experienced. This can be reported as your own experience OR the experience of the person on whose participation in a learning community you are reporting.
(ii) Critically reflect on the operation (pedagogically and technologically) of the learning community from a participant’s perspective including benefits and problems.
(iii) Critically reflect on the operation (pedagogically and technologically) of the learning community from an organiser’s perspective including benefits and problems.
role critically analysed

diverse issues identified
evaluation from varied perspectives
Part B – Learning Community Plan

Responses to this part of the assignment should be based on content and readings provided in the unit and on readings you have sourced yourself. It is expected that you refer to, and correctly reference, these readings in your assignment.

Develop a plan for a learning community relevant to your professional role.

You will need to decide on all the components that need to be included in the plan. The required components may vary depending on the nature of the learning community. Some of the readings provided in this unit suggest various parts that could be considered, but at a minimum you should include the components outlined below. There should be sufficient detail that the reader would feel confident enough to implement your learning community. It is expected that you will refer to, and properly reference, the readings that have provided the necessary background to help you make the various decisions during your planning.

The plan should include as a minimum…

(i) purpose, learning approach(es), learning environment (tools to support the learning), participants, timeframe, and support of relevant authorities

(ii) promotion, selection of participants, initial creation, training, implementation and management of technology

(iii) planned evaluation process from a pedagogical and a technological perspective.