Transgenderism (Chapter 4)
August 30, 2020
Topic: The Four Forces of Evolution
August 30, 2020



Learning is the utmost important process in a human beings life

This process begins from childhood for all people

However, not all children are born normal as some are born with certain mental and adaptive disorders.

All these needs should be catered for by the schools they attend

This is known as inclusion as the learning process is beneficial for all the needs notwithstanding their individual needs.

However, most schools do not have inclusion strategies leading to an inconclusive learning process where other kids do not benefit from it.

The Prince Albert and Heathfield Federation Primary Schools is inclusive in that it caters for the needs of all its admitted students.

The school is focused on inclusion so much that it has an inclusion team

The importance of the first years in an individual’s development is increasingly being recognized by several sectors in different governments. This implies that government initiatives and the establishment of institutions and programs that support child care are on the rise. Organizations such as UNICEF and Child Aid International that strive to make the first years of children enjoyable and beneficial. However, Kindergartens and Childcare homes have taken the biggest role in the learning process of Children. This is where The Prince Albert and Heathfield Federation Schools comes in because it caters for kids of every age group and those with specific needs.

Assessment of the Inclusion Strategies

For the inclusion strategies to produce successful results, the school in question should identify the students with special needs.

At The Prince Albert and Heathfield Federation Schools, the identification process is done for every class.

Learners with special needs can be categorized into four groups, which include

Communication and association with other people

Physical health and sensor

Cognition and erudition

Social and psychological health

These students are identified using the following major criteria

In situations where the school cannot identify the specific requirements for a certain child, the parents are asked to help with the diagnosis. Therefore, the child is referred to a specialist for diagnosis.

Inclusion Strategies

Provision of supporting aids for the SEN group

The subsequent step after identification of the SEN group, some documents are filled out to help in assessing the progress of these kids. These include

Class Provision Map

This document highlights the targets the students are required to achieve. These targets are personalized according to the needs of every student.

The success of this strategy in inclusion has been seen at The Prince Albert and Heathfield Federation Schools as the reports at the end of the term provides a path for new strategies.

The document is reviewed at the end of every term to make sure that the learning outcomes for the specified child have been improved.


Children with psychological problems are mentored individually and in groups. This mentorship process involves setting of targets that are assessed on a regular basis by the mentors in the presence of the parents.

This process is meant to provide a platform for students with psychological problems to air their problems and vent their frustrations on psychological and social issues.

This gives them the confidence of having someone they can trust and socialize with regularly.

The regular assessment allows the schools and the parents to know the success of their mentorship methods. This allows them to change the tactics and targets in case of non-progress.

Working with Parents

Parents are the main pillars for every child.

They have the knowledge of their children’s needs

They also know of their ways to help their children

The Prince Albert and Heathfield Federation Schools knows the importance of the parents in the inclusion plan for the schools.

Parents inform the schools of the student’s health and learning history.

This enables them to design learning plans that are effective for these SEN students.

For parents with no information about their children’s health history, their participation helps them in coming to terms with their child’s condition.

Moreover, since the students have stayed with their parents for a long time, they have built trust and loyalty. The inclusion of parents in setting and review of targets implies that the students are motivated to achieve them.

Approaches and interventions

Monitoring Progress

All the strategies of inclusion focus on setting of achievable targets

These targets have to be assessed at the end of a certain period, usually a term or a month

The assessment enables the school, parents and the teachers on the progress of the student in the class.

This is done in comparison with the targets set at the beginning of the inclusion process. The monitoring process informs the parties involved if the strategies are working or need to be changed.

Adaptations to the Learning Environment

It is very crucial for kids with special needs to learn with the other students in the same environment.

This implies that the learning environment should be created in a way that it will favour all the kids no matter what the specific needs they have.

At The Prince Albert and Heathfield Federation Schools, the classrooms have been done in a way to support all the learners in the class.

This approach has been successful in integrating and creating unity amongst all the students in all classes.

It has also created a sense of belonging among the SENs.

Provision of Equal Opportunities

The aspect of inclusion does not only deal with students with certain disabilities but also deals with students of different races and ethnicities.

Making sure that each pupil has equal opportunities at succeeding implies that all the students relate better to each other.

This aspect allows all the students to be included in the learning process implying an improved educational outcome.


Inclusion in the learning process is very important for children because it breeds unity and a sense of belonging. The inclusion strategies and interventions presented in the slides before show how educational institutions can adopt and implement them and hence produce great learning results. However, the study of the student body, the training of the teaching staff and the identification of the students with special needs should be the first step in the process.