Management Business
March 24, 2020
contemporary international politics
March 24, 2020

learing management system

learing management system

• Describe the components of a typical Learning Management System (LMS).
• Recognize capabilities, components, and constraints of a specific Learning Management System (LMS).
• Recognize different roles of users (e.g., administrator, instructor, or student) in a Learning Management System (LMS).
• Recognize reasons for modifying the menu options and look and feel of a Learning Management System (LMS) to fit the organization’s needs.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in Learning Management Systems.
• Write clearly and concisely about issues in Learning Management Systems using proper writing mechanics.
1. Describe the following principles and benchmarks: Course content, learning outcomes, transition of units and flow of information from one unit/module to the next, teaching and learning process, instructor’s role, efficiency of course management system, technologies incorporated, available technical support, interface design, accessibility for disabled students, evaluation of course and learning assessment, availability of supplemental course information and virtual library resources, and institutional support.
2. Analyze these courses based on the principles and benchmarks, ideas in the texts and required readings of this class, and how these courses can be improved.
3. Evaluate these courses, based on the given principles and benchmarks to determine how effectively each meets the learning needs and expectations of the learners.