Management: Leading and Collaborating in a Competitive World, 10th edition, McGraw-Hill; by Bateman and Snell.
Organization & Administration
you have been exposed to many management theories, practices, and beliefs. In particular, the information you have gleaned from Chapters 1- 5, videos, should be your only source for to answer the following. Glean from this information bank the salient points and develop your answers in a cogent and sagacious manner.
Anatomy of a Business Decision
Using Chapters 1-5, state the critical factors and considerations that are essential to making an effective business decision. Be selective and give a cogent reason why your answers are essential.
Leading and Motivating People
Based on the Fish Market and Belgium Brewery videos, state what you believe are the best methods to lead and manage employees. Give an argument for each method(s). Be specific!
( when you go from point to anther put the title and select the point from the chapters)
• Creating the point: Your game plan, What reality that you want and How to get there?
1- Relationship between workers (laughing, joke )
2- Training people ( empower them)
3- The open book management.
4- Open communication.
• Changing Business
• Changing Job
• Changing management
• Changing employment relationship
• Emoting
• Parameters