Leadership Theories – Gandhi vs. MLK

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Leadership Theories – Gandhi vs. MLK

How is the leader Mahatma Gandhi similar to or different from Martin Luther King Jr.? What theory or theories (Trait, Position Approach, Style Approach, or Distributed-Functions Approach ) would best account for the actions of this historical figure Mahatma Gandhi?

Trait approach. It implies that leaders are born not made and poses naturally features that do not need any training. In this theory the leader has special charisma with a sense of exact confidence in leading.

The second theory is the Position Approach is an authoritative leader that studies others behavior too.

The third theory is the Style Approach that consists of three leadership styles authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire. The authoritarian sets goals and policies with dictate activities for its members. Democratic leadership there is extensive decision making that involves participation of its members. The laissez-faire style requires little participation of its leader where group members make decisions.

The fourth theory is the Distributed-Functions Approaches is were the leader helps his group perform acts within a group in order to reach goals.