The Vigenre Cipher
July 28, 2020
Financial and Ethical Implication in medical coding and billing
July 29, 2020

Leadership experience

From the list below, select a national or business leader (Presidents/Prime Ministers or CEO), describe and analyse their leadership style. Clearly identify how their leadership style has assisted in them becoming leader and what are the similarities and contrasts with your attributes, personality/traits/style as a leader.*Your reference list must contain references from the essential text and a minimum of 12 related texts or journal articles. You may use other credible references to identify and discuss your chosen leader. In text references must be applied.Format:
Tense: Third person
Style: Essay format grammatically correct
Font: Times new roman
Size: 11 point
Justification: Fully justified
Indentation: First line
Referencing: APA 6th or (Harvard) accepted. No footnotes, more academic reference and some other related reference. Total reference need to have 15.Structure:
Body (major sub headings may be included )
Reference List
You should choose a leader from the list below
Hilary Clinton
Ban Ki Moon
Carlos Slim
Tim Cook
Daniel Lamarre
Cyrus Pallonji Mistry
John Borghetti
Brian Krzanich
Satya Nadella
Brian Chesky
Michael Bloomberg
Harriet Green
Alan Mulally
Matthias Muller