Leadership development: Optimizing human capital for business success
Use the NSU online library to look up and read the following article on leadership development and find one other article on the topic.
Lockwood, N. R. (December 2006). Leadership development: Optimizing human capital for business success. HRMagazine, 51(12), A1 (11 pgs).
Next, take the leadership self-assessment quiz at www.dalekurow.com/leadership_quiz and/or Google “assessing leadership skills” and take other appropriate self-assessment quizzes.
Incorporate these two articles and your self-assessment results into your answer to the following question.
If you were to design the perfect leadership development experience for yourself, how would you do so and what would it include? How would you know whether it was effective? (See figure 2.4 for an example) (CC#6)
Grade Rubric for Week 2 Discussion Question (CC#6)
Criterion Does not meet basic criterion Meets basic criterion Proficient Outstanding
Describes an ideal leadership development experience for himself/herself (CC 6) Does not describe a personal leadership development experience. (0) Proposes a leadership development experience in general terms (1) Describes/proposes a leadership development experience in specific terms(2) Describes an ideal leadership development experience in detail and gives reasons why this experience would be personally beneficial. (3)
Incorporates appropriate literature on leadership development into his or her answer. (CC 6) Does not incorporate any research articles into answer. (0) Incorporates both the Lockwood article and another academic article describing leadership development (1) Integrates material from the two articles into his or her development plan (2) Uses the articles to provide support for his or her ideal leadership development experience. (3)
Assesses personal leadership competencies and areas needing development (CC 6) Does not include self-assessment of personal skills and competencies (0) Assesses some personal leadership skills and competencies(1) Generally describes current leadership skills and competencies based on self-assessment (2) Specifically addresses areas needing personal development based on self-assessment instrument(s). (3)
Communicates in clear, logical, grammatically correct terms (CC 7) Does not write coherent sentences, spell correctly, or use acceptable grammar OR answer is less than 250 words ( 0) Writes somewhat correctly reference punctuation, spelling, and grammar OR writes in coherent, logical form. (1) Writes with substantial correctness reference punctuation, spelling, grammar, AND uses coherent, logical form.(2) Writes error free in grammar, punctuation, spelling AND is completely coherent and logical (3)
Grade Equivalency: 0 points=0%; 1 point=20%; 2 points-40%; 3 points=60%; 4 points=70%; 5/12=75%; 6 points=80%; 7 points=82%; 8 points=85%; 9 points=88%; 10 points=92%; 11 points=96%; 12 points=100%
Leadership Assessment Quiz IEvaluate leadership skills Page 1 of2
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