Leadership & Career Development

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Leadership & Career Development

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Leadership & Career Development

Communication / Speech Organization section 1.2

Introduction: One of most important features of good leader is: method of communication. Ones method of communication tells a lot about there own personality and how they organize their ideas. Leaders must be able to convey there ideas in clear and concise manner that enables others to interpret the message or information being presented. Learning the process of communication is essential to the role of leader for the fact that the words they choose to use, equip them with power to influence others. People interpret information from the manner in which it is presented. In this section we will focus on understanding the process of communication. Next we will discuss the process of speech organization and display how leaders use different styles of speeches to motivate people. The process of communication can be better explained as two people talking on the phone: A speaker sends a message to a person or a receiver. The message is coded in a specific language made for the receiver of the message to understand. The receiver decodes the message to gain understanding from the material. The decoded message in then re-told or explained back to the speaker in order to verify that the receiver understands the material. This process ensures the presentation and interpretation of information.

Communication can come in two forms: Verbal and Non-verbal communication involves speaking: using words to convey your ideas and feelings. Non-verbal communication involves the use of body movement to display the thoughts and feeling of a person. The way a person sits down, crosses or place their legs together or apart says a lot about a person. Whether they are closed or open signal concentration or boredom while hands at side represent focus and relaxation. The art of verbal communication through the presentation of organized thought is called a speech. In order for a speaker to perform an effective speech (designed to motivate or persuade others to agree with you ), one must: 1. Have good posture- the stance you take in front of you audience says a lot. If you standing erect in front of your audience they will think that you seem careless and unenthusiastic of your own information and presentation. The message you are conveying will be coded on the basis of your appearance. 2. Facial expression-the look on your face is another feature that can disrupt or benefit the message you are trying to convey in a speech. The look of confidence will cause others to confide in you even more. 3. Movement and Gestures- The movement of your hands and feet as you are giving a speech helps your audience to better understand or become confused from your presentation. Walking back and fourth across a stage or platform while giving a speech might help the speaker to feel at ease about the material he is talking about, at the same time it might help the audience to relate with the speaker doubt, move in a calm manner that enables your audience to keep up with you.

4. Use of eye contact-looking at a person straight in the eye you seem more honest and trusting. Poor eye contact like reading out your speech line for line without looking up interrupts the process of communication in the case of giving a speech. When the speaker looks at the audience he or she is acknowledging the fact that they are sincere in their presentation which will benefit the cause of their presentation.

5. Speak with enthusiasm- If you do not seem happy or at least interested in what have to say; people will not listen. Showing that you have a great interest in what you are speaking about by your use of body language and vocabulary can help to establish trust between you and your audience.

6. Lastly Practice- All of the best public speakers had to practice in order to develop their approach and methods for giving a speech. The more you practice the better you will become.

A speech can take three forms. Each form is designed to convey the speakers ideas concerning something differently. A impromptu speech is one in which the information being given has neither been rehearsed or prepared. A informative speech is one in which the speaker informs the audience about something or place. A persuasive speech involves trying to persuade your audience to believe your take on things. For each form of speech there are guidelines that have to be met in order to present the material effectively to the audience. Let s take a closer look:

I. Impromptu speeches

The best preparation for an impromptu speech is to be informed about people, place and news events happening in your city, state, around the country and world. This type of information will give you topics of conversation to talk about with people during different situations.

An impromptu speech can be explained according to its past, present, and future sequences. Events, issues, customs, etc. can be discussed in the manner in which they began, are, and are going to change. for example, discussing The Olympics; the organization of your speech can go follows as follows according to the three parts of speech: The intro., the body and the conclusion. First the history of the Olympics can be discussed in the intro. Second, How the Olympics is played today. Third, the future of the Olympic games.

II. Informative Speeches
Informative speeches involve certain aspects of preparation and organization in order to ensure comprehension of the material being presented. The preparation of an informative speech requires four steps: Selecting your subject, narrowing your subject, gathering information, and using visual aids.

1. Selecting your subject – Pick a topic that you know a great deal about or that really interest you. Try to talk about something that you have had some experience with, shows more enthusiasm.

2. Narrowing your subject – Many times knowing too much about a subject is a bad thing because people do not necessarily like listening to long speeches. Long speeches sometimes cause people to forget the major details of your speech. Decide how to limit your explanation of things by being specific and achievable. Achievable in the sense that your audience must be able to do something or understand and remember specific parts of your speech.

3. Gathering information – Involves research from two sources yourself and outside information. What you already know makes up your own knowledge of the subject as reference. Outside source information is gathered through the research of book sand etc.

4. Using visual aids – Helps to better establish understanding between the audience and the material, which the speaker is presenting.

The organization of an informative speech requires four main steps:

1. Having an attention getting introduction that tells your objective.

2. Main- body with supportive evidence of your claims

3. Have a summary that receives what you have covered.

4. Devise a memorable conclusion.

III. Persuasive Speeches

The purpose of a persuasive speech is to get others to change their feelings, beliefs or behavior about something. The preparation and organization of persuasive speeches is the same as informative speeches with a few modifications.

The preparation of a persuasive speech involves 3 steps: Determining your specific purpose, analyzing your audience, and preparing visual aids.

With your OWN words devise a speech for each type (all 3)
Impromptu Speeches, Informative Speeches, Persuasive Speeches.
Be sure to include the essential parts of a speech Intro, body, and conclusion. Each speech must have a different approach at getting the attention of the audience in the introduction.