Leadership and motivation theories in pursuing quality
Project description
The format of the paper should include an introduction, analysis, and a conclusion, using the APA style.
The class will be divided into small work teams, comprised of three to four students per team, to discuss salient issues to which businesses today are confronted. The team will analyze and collaborate in the writing of a team paper. The paper should be four to six pages, word-processed, and double-spaced. It will be presented in class by each team, with all members of each team participating, during the last week of the semester. Students enrolled on-line will not have to present their team paper. Following are sample topics for possible analysis:
Team Paper Topics
1. Leadership and motivation theories in pursuing quality
2. Ethics and sexual harassment
3. Social responsibility and affirmative action
4. Collaboration and team development in the work-place
5. Consumerism and social responsibility
6. Global economy and competitive advantage
7. Power in organizations
8. Political economy issues such as inflation and taxation
9. Information technology and employment issues
10. Trade and/or budget deficits