lEadership and management are separate functions, but not necessary incomparable functions. The roles are interchangeable for both exceptional leaders

Organization of a Health Care Facility
July 13, 2020
Select at least two specific examples of cultural bias, prejudice, stereotyping,
July 13, 2020

lEadership and management are separate functions, but not necessary incomparable functions. The roles are interchangeable for both exceptional leaders

Eadership and management are separate functions, but not necessary incomparable functions. The roles are interchangeable for both exceptional leaders and good mangers.

The difference is the set of skills required to accomplish each positions primary goal. Managers get things done and are usually more in line with organizational power and not necessarily respected by the group as a leader.

Leaders may or may not posses the skills of a manger, but they all have the respect of the group that they are leading. Example; I worked for a lady that owned a string of nursing homes and she hired her son a the director. He was a good manger, but he never commanded the respect of the employees and residences as the leader. One of the methods that is informal, but tells the tale of who is the leader in an organization is the grape vine . Employees speak openly and freely at the break room and they identify the leader or the person that they view as the leader.

I believe that exceptional leaders must have some managerial skills, such as organization and communication and good mangers have some leadership skills such as organization and communication. The tie breaker is the respect of the group and vision. Managers live for the present and leaders have a vision for the future. To be effective as a leader, it is necessary to influence people to carry out requests, support proposals, and implement decisions. In large organizations, the effectiveness of managers depends on influence over superiors and peers as well as influence over subordinates

(Yukl, 2006). In some aspects the terms leader and manager can be used interchangeably as a result of sharing a common goal which is to motivate people to act and to move forward. An exceptional leader is one who possesses an interpersonal quality with their followers and/or subordinates. When a leader lacks interpersonal skills, company morale tends to decline and employees begin to feel undervalued.

The structure of an organization is the focal point of an organization development. In-order for an organization to be successful it has to embrace the mission, vision and assessment. I believe these three components create the structure of an organization. For an organization to succeed, it has to develop a contemporary structure that embodies the mission, vision, and result due to rigorous assessment. Senge (1998) believed that a compelling vision is what inspires peoples’ passions,

and that human beings have a purpose and reason for being, which is usually to make a positive difference. The culture of an organization is the habitual principles which the leaders and followers align with to operate in an efficient manner and create a workable environment. In other word, the culture is the standard an organization perform its day to day activities. The followers are disciplined to abide by the rules and headed by their leaders. For example, if a company or business enterprise stipulates that their employees has to report to duty at 07:30 a.m. on each working days, and all must take 1 hour break within their working hours, I believe it is a fair argument that this is their culture and they certainly will not hesitate to follow the rule if they are aware and comfortable with it.