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Order Description

choose a book of your choice concerning this assignment. Below are the actual instruction for the assignment.


The book review must be on a topic related to leadership. The book you read must be at least 150 pages in length. This is a broad subject and may include many genres and subjects such as military history, social science, psychology, ethics, a biography, or something from leadership studies. The topic does not have to be specifically related to the military, but you need to address leadership in a credible fashion (no graphic novels or comic books!).

Opening paragraph: State the title, author(s), and date of the book. Summarize what the book is about. How is it related to leadership? Why did you select this book?

Second paragraph: What important and relevant leadership information, insights, lessons, skills, etc., did you learn by reading this book?

Third paragraph: How can Army leaders use this book to develop their leadership? Why would you or would you not recommend this book?