social policy
June 10, 2020
Immigration in The US – Continuation
June 10, 2020

Law in Special education

Law in Special education

Order Description

It is a The Law and Special Education class

I need a writer his/her major is Special Education

I will attache
1- Chapters from 1 to 6
2- Agenda from week 1 to 5
3- worksheet – has questions for assignment
4- Guideline paper
5- Others files will help you to answer

Multiple Choice   (2 points each, for a total of 40 pts.)
____ 1.  For a student to be eligible for a 504 Plan, the school must conduct an evaluation that determines all of the following, except which statement?
a)  the student has a physical or mental impairment
b)  the student’s impairment results in a substantial limitation to a major life activity
c)  the student’s eligibility for an community activities program
d)  what educational programming is required to ensure the student receives a free appropriate public education?
____ 2.  Which of the following correctly lists the individuals who must be in attendance at the IEP meeting, according to the IDEA, 2004?
a)  Student, parent(s), special education teacher, general education teacher, and an evaluation specialist
b)  Parent(s), special education teacher, general education teacher, and evaluation specialist
c)  Special education teacher, general education teacher, LEA representative, & others at the discretion of school administrators
d)  Parent(s), special education teacher, general education teacher, LEA representative, evaluation specialist, & others at the discretion of parents or school.
____3.  Introduced by a Congressional report stating that 43 million Americans had either physical or mental disabilities, the ADA was passed into law in year 2000. Purposes of the ADA include all but which of the following?
a) Provide a clear and comprehensive national mandate
b) Provide clear, strong, consistent, enforceable standards established by the federal government
c) Ensure that local and state governments enact legislation or ordinances requiring disability accommodations for their respective citizenry
d) Invoke Congressional authority in order to address the one of the remaining areas of discrimination, via its authority to extend the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment
____4.  Based on the statements below, which one is not protected under the ADA:
a) My sister who is hearing impaired;
b) My elderly grandmother who is diagnosed with obesity;
c) My brother who works as a business accountant, and lost his legs in the Vietnam War;
d) My nephew who cannot work due to his diagnosis of bipolar disorder.
____ 5.  Under the ADA, which of the following is not a reasonable accommodation?
a) Part-time or modified work schedules;
b) Making existing facilities readily accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities;
c) Acquiring or modifying equipment or devices;
d) Creating grants that companies use to fund individuals with disabilities who pursue additional training;
e) Providing qualified readers or interpreters to accommodate the needs of persons with disabilities.
____ 6. If a Court finds that a company violated the ADA, which of the following remedies are not available for the individual who brought the case:
a)    The Court orders the discrimination to cease;
b)    The company loses their business license and is unable to continue to operate;
c)    The Court orders back wages to the employee;
d)    The Court orders the company to reinstate the individual.
____ 7.  In this class-action suit in 1972, seven children represented those students with who were denied or
excluded from public education in Washington, D.C.  The court held that their exclusion
from public education was unconstitutional, AND ordered the school district to provide the children
access to an education and due process safeguards.  The title of the case was:

a)  Mills v. Board of Education.       b)  PARC v. Board of Education.
c)  Brown v. Board of Education.      d) Section 504 and the EAHCA.
____ 8.  Per the IDEIA Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) must meet the standards developed in NCLB; therefore,
HQT special education teachers are required to:

a)  obtain a master’s degree, be state-certified as a special education teacher, and demonstrate
competency of subject matter.
b)  obtain a bachelor’s degree, be state-certified as a special education teacher, demonstrate
competency of subject matter, and teach one year as a provisional educator.
c)  obtain a bachelor’s degree, achieve state-certification as a special education teacher,  demonstrate
competency of subject matter by passing an academic competency test at their students’ level of
e)    achieve state-certification as a special education teacher by way of a bachelor’s degree in special
education, or by way or alternative certification processes in the state.
____ 9.   For a student with a disability who is being disciplined for a behavioral infraction, the Interim Alternative Education Setting (IAES) meets the requirements of which provision of the (IDEA 2004);

a) Early Intervening Services.             b) Dispute Resolution.
c) Manifestation Determination.        d) Stay-Put.
____ 10. The National Center on Special Education Research (NCSER) was established by Congress to
fulfill a mission that includes all the following, except:

a) expanding the knowledge base in special education
b) improving services under the IDEA
c) improving services that are required by 504 Plans
d) evaluating the implementation and effectiveness of special education

_____ 11.  Which term refers to the published opinions of judges that arise from court cases where they interpret
statutes, regulations, and constitutional provisions:

a) case law
b) regulatory law
c) constitutional law
d) statutory law

_____ 12.   Which term refers to bills that are enacted by Congress or state legislatures and signed into law:
a) case law
b) regulatory law
c) constitutional law
d) statutory law

______ 13.   The citation 34 C.F.R. Section 300.550 refers to a:
a.  federal regulation
b.  federal district court decision
c.   state law
d.  federal law

_____ 14.   A decision made by the 8th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals is considered:
a.  a binding decision in all federal courts in the United States
b.  a binding decision in other federal courts in the 8th Circuit
c.  an advisory decision in other federal courts in the 8th Circuit
d.  has no bearing on anything

______ 15.   The PARC decision held that:
a.  all children had the right to an education
b.  the Pennsylvania Department of Mental Health was required to provide an education for children
in their jurisdiction
c.  all children with intellectual disabilities in Pennsylvania had the right to an education
d.  all children with disabilities in Pennsylvania had the right to an education

______16.  Which of the following is not true of both IDEA (2004) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973?
a.     Students with disabilities have a right to a free appropriate public education
b.    Students are entitled to services in the least restrictive environment
c.    To be eligible for services, the disability must substantially limit one or more major life functions
d.    Parents may access due process if they disagree with a decision by the school district with respect to the identification, evaluation, or placement of their student with a disability
_____ 17.  Part C of the IDEA (2004) addresses requirements associated with:
a. the assistive technology needs of students with disabilities
b.  the related services needs of  students with disabilities
c.  the services provided to infants and toddlers with disabilities
d.  the services provided to children 3 and 4 years of age who have disabilities

______18.  Part B of the IDEA provides specific direction to states and local school districts with respect to each of  the following, except for:

a.     what constitutes a free appropriate public education
b.    elements that must be considered in determining the Least Restrictive Environment
c.    the requirements state education agencies must meet to be eligible for Personnel Development
d.    the requirements that must be in place for parents to challenge a decision made regarding the placement of their student with a disability

______ 19.  When disciplining a student with a disability, the school must conduct a manifestation determination if considering a long term suspension.  The standard for the manifestation determination is:
a.    Is there a likelihood that the students disability contributed to the inappropriate behavior displayed by the child
b.    Was the inappropriate behavior caused by or had a direct and substantial relationship to the student’s disability
c.    Had the student been told that the behavior in question could result in a long term suspension
d.    Were the parents and the student given a copy of the Student Handbook required under the Safe Schools Act
______ 20.   The Handicapped Children’s Protection Act of 1986 provided that all, or part,  of  the parent’s
attorney’s fees would be paid by the school district when:

a.    the parents won the case
b.    the parent’s attorney convinced the hearing officer that he/she should be paid
c.    the parents prevailed on elements of the case
d.    the parents met income eligibility requirements set by the state education agency