law in public health
Order Description
A case brief is a written outline of a court decision used to summarize the key elements of the case and resulting decision. The outline is an analytical tool to help understand the decision of the court. In briefing the cases, use the following outline. Case briefs should be no more than one page and must be submitted via Canvas by the date due. Cases may be chosen from any discussed in the textbook (or any other case relating to the topics covered with prior written approval from the instructor). An example and several documents about case briefing can be found on Canvas in the Case Briefing module.
CITATION: Title of case (parties) and reporter (e.g., how to find the case)
NATURE OF CASE: Form of action (Contract, tort, criminal issue, etc.), type of proceeding (trial appeal, civil, criminal, etc.), and relief sought (money damages, jail, license suspension, fine, etc.).
FACTS: What led to the judicial action. (What happened leading to this legal action? Why seeking legal action?)
ISSUE: The concise question to be answered.
HOLDING: What did the court decide? (Which side won and what did they win/)
RATIONALE: Why did the court rule as it did? (This is probably the most important item and requires critical thinking. Explain clearly.)