September 10, 2020
Questions for Fuji & Xerox case study
September 10, 2020

Law and Order

Article Title: Law and Order (The Magazine for Police Management)

Author(s): Hendon Media Group

Publication Information: Law and order, April 2015 Issue

Publisher information: Hendon Media Group, 130 N Waukegan Rd, Suite 202

Deerfield, IL 60015-5652.

Keywords: Basic Instinct, Risk Management, Safety model



The Law and Order magazine has substantial evidence of the various forensic disciplines. The magazine serves as a fundamental tool in the evaluation of the issue of criminal justice and its implications for the society. The current issue of April, 2015 has a wide coverage of the various substantive topics and issues that relate to police and their day –to-day operations. The April Issue embarks on major topics such as the basic policy instincts, risk management, in-service training and issue of safety and its related model.

Abstract and Overview

For over fifty-six years, the Hendon Media Group has embarked on various publications. The publications by this media group emphasize mostly on the aspects of law and order and their implications for the society. The Law and order magazine tackles a wide range of policing aspects and their related outcomes. Issues of criminal justice, forensic analysis are explored too. The April 2015 issue of the law and order magazine is instrumental in tackling various police and policing related issues. The major issues emphasized in the publication are risk management, safety model, interoperability, police instincts and in-service physical training. Major forensic disciplines explored in the issue are………………. The magazine emphasizes the need of need of the basic instincts in the police force. The basic principles of the policy include teamwork, professionalism in the execution of duties in cases of collisions and emergency. The magazine emphasizes on the availability of policing tools and techniques in the modern-day police force which is different from the cases in the past. The Issue is fundamental in evaluating the significance of professionalism and teamwork in the police force. The issue further explores the need and significance of equipping the police officers with appropriate tools and equipment to facilitate them to undertake their duties with ease. Risk management and safety model in the police force is covered at length in the current issue of Law and Order magazine. The magazine has further examined the in-service physical testing, Interoperability of Kodiak and Mutualink’s broadband, rugged and unrugged laptops and the new trends in portable radios.

Analysis and Synthesis

The article (Law and Order magazine, April 2015) has made substantial conclusions with regard the various issues covered in it. This article has emphasized the importance of professionalism, teamwork, policing tools and better tools and equipment in the police department. The Issue claims that in cases of collision, the police offers are bound to show some professionalism in handling the matter. On the same scenario, the availability of better tools and equipment to the patrol officers is a key step in their execution of duties