How has PMMM brought success to both SAP and Petrotrin’s overall enterprise?
July 19, 2020
Faculty of Technology and Environment
July 19, 2020


Order Description
READ THE INTRUCTION CAREFULLY? Each topic has to be 300 words.
? 300 words or more for LATIN MUSIC!!!
? 300 words or more for JAZZ MUSIC!!!LATINWrite a short research essay on the Latin American composer of your choice. Be sure to include the following: (Minimum of 300 words for LATIN MUSIC)1. Basic biographical data.
2. A work representative of that composers style, with specific reference to what can be heard in the score.
Jazz music (Minimum of 300 words for JAZZ MUSIC)
The blues made its way into many kinds of music. Eric Clapton, The Beatles, and Elvis Presley are just a few of the musicians who have acknowledged its importance. Using the model of the blues, find a popular song and discuss how its design reflects the blues influence.