“Typed title page that includes the title of the paper, student”s name, and the course
name and number
“7-8 pages double-spaced (not including title page, map, graphics, and bibliography)
“12 point font on regular bond paper with 1-inch margins
“Clearly defined sections and subsections with titles in bold or underlining
“Was the paper stapled? (Please do not place the paper in any plastic or paper report covers)
“Was the purpose (introduction) of the paper clearly stated in the first or second paragraph?
“Were transitions between sections and subsections handled effectively?
“Was there a concise conclusion?
“Was the paper well-written and edited? (i.e., spelling and grammar)
“Did it contain a geographical-historical perspective?
“Did the student go beyond a simple summarizing of others” points of view and analyze
the topic?
● Graphics: you must include at least one map and two photos in the paper
“Was a map included? (may be hand drawn, photocopied, or downloaded from the
“Was the map and other graphics used effectively to reinforce major points of your study.
“Were figure numbers and a caption included with the map and graphics
“Were the maps and graphics discussed in the paper
***Be sure to cite the sources of your maps and figures in the bibliography and at the end of the map and graphic captions.
“Were at least 8 sources used and cited in the paper?
“Variety and quality of sources (i.e., don”t rely only on internet sources)
“Were sources listed alphabetically?
**Note: if you download academic articles from JSTOR or other databases (i.e., EBSCO), cite them as you would a journal article. Do not include the html addresses for the articles.