ladiator Research the historical setting, events and real-life characters for the film, Gladiator, starring Russell Crowe (you will need to view the f

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July 21, 2020

ladiator Research the historical setting, events and real-life characters for the film, Gladiator, starring Russell Crowe (you will need to view the f

A note on conducting research for this assignment:
For research, rely upon valid academic literature from peer reviewed or professionally published  journals or magazines (use Academic Search Premiere or another database of professionally published content to conduct the majority of your research). If you choose to use any information from the Internet, be sure that this information is written by a recognized expert in an appropriate academic discipline or that the information is published or officially provided by an organization that has an impeccable reputation with scholars in the appropriate field of study. In all cases, the research should be appropriate and relevant to your purposes and your thesis.

Ignoring the above recommendations will invalidate your research and result in an F on this assignment.
MLA Citation, Documentation and Format Required. A minimum of six credible sources are required as research for this essay and all sources must be used to support your paper”s thesis in some way.

Research the historical setting, events and real-life characters for the film, Gladiator, starring Russell Crowe (you will need to view the film and study its contents closely as part of your research). Compare what can be known historically about the content of the film and find ways that the film is both accurate and inaccurate in its portrayal of its historical setting, events, and people. Throughout your paper, support one of two basic thesis statements: that the film is mostly accurate, or that the film is mostly inaccurate. Base this thesis on your interpretation of the evidence in the historical record and how this compares with the film.