Lack of seatbelt enforcement in Qatar
Order Description
Make a Policy Proposal of your own (Either choose a Problem to which you are proposing a Solution, OR identify an Opportunity that should be taken advantage of)..
Soud AL Boinin
The Problem: Lack of seat belt enforcement.
Explanation: The seat belt rule in Qatar is placed in the ministry of interior traffic laws. However it is not implemented and not enforced by the traffic department
on the streets.
Reasons: The reason to why drivers and passengers are not following the laws is mainly because it is not heavily enforced on the drivers and passengers. The police
would only focus on the driver and the first passenger seat if they were to give out tickets for not wearing seat belts and ignore the passengers in the back seat.
Agents: The ministry of interior should address this problem since it can significantly increase fatality rates within passengers.
Solution: Increase violation ticket prices.
License suspension to drivers if passengers are not wearing seat belts.
Install radars on the streets that detects car seatbelts in order to capture any law breakers.
Assessment of costs
Costs: The price of the new seat belt technology would be expensive to buy. But the government is willing to pay if it would be beneficial to the citizens.
Many drivers would risk their license.