Assessment of Positive Environment for Student Learning Step 1 & 2
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September 30, 2020

Kar soci332 Academic Essay

Write a response to the below student post:

As a reminder to the class, I am researching the variables of social class and poor mental health instance. I am investigating the correlation between poor mental health and social class in hopes of discovering which social class encounters poor mental health most often and least often. Both of my variables are ordinal meaning they represent a ranking category; Lower to Upper class for social class standing and Never to Always for poor instances of mental health.

The measure of association is not very strong according to the Gamma symmetric measures. The Gamma symmetric measure states that the measure of association is 8.3%. That means by knowing the social class of someone we are 8.3% more likely to know how often they encounter poor mental health in the scope of 30 days. The negative correlation also shows that as social class increases, lower up to upper class, the association is negative meaning there are less instances of poor mental health the higher the social class gets. We can theorize that lower class individuals have the most instances of poor mental health and upper class has the least instances of poor mental health.

This test was very helpful in providing the need for further clarity for my study. It is a trick that will come in handy a lot when dealing with research statistics in the future. Because the measure of association is less than significant there is the heightened potential for proving the null hypothesis which isn’t all that desirable in research.

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Posted on May 5, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions