This week you have started the process in learning and understanding why business strategy is important. Please take the time to watch the video about setting SMART goals. The video is located in Webliography listed as Unit 1 Learning Journal.
When thinking about this week”s Assignment, how would SMART goals have added in answering why business strategy is important? Of the goals, which one do you believe to be most important in business strategy and why?
Post a minimum of 200 words.
unit 5
Journal time
It is time to put on your manager”s hat. This past week you have learned about business and multi-business strategies. What does the term patching (Pearce & Robinson, 2013, pp. 277″280) refer to, especially when thinking about how this might guide you as a manager to build value in your business operation?
Post a minimum of 200 words.
Click here for the Unit 5 Learning Journal rubric.
Pearce, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2013). Strategic management: Planning for domestic & global competition (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 6
uThis week you have focused upon strategic implementation. Part of this strategy involves golden handcuffs, golden parachutes, and cash bonuses. Read the article, op Global Strategist, in Exhibit 10.13 about how Carol Bartz, former CEO, Yahoo!, replaced Jerry Yang due to crisis within the company. There were seven elements that comprised her initial Yahoo! compensation package (Pearce & Robinson 2013, p. 307).
Take on the role of one of Yahoo!”s stockholders. What is your evaluation of this very attractive offer from the company to Ms. Bartz? Is this very favorable package fair to Ms. Bartz, the company, and stockholders? Why or why not?
Post a minimum of 200 words.
Click here for the Unit 6 Learning Journal rubric.
Pearce, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2013). Strategic management: Planning for domestic & global competition(13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. 7
In this week”s unit, you learned the value of CSR and business ethics and or code of conduct. Large corporations are valued by stock price performance and the bottom line. Sometimes this allows for unethical practices in the workplace no matter what employee, management, or executive levels. How much should social responsibility be considered in evaluating an organization”s overall performance from an ethical perspective (Pearce & Robinson, 2013, p. 85)? Please explain and useu a contemporary example.
The Journal response must be a minimum length of 200 words.
Click here for the Unit 7 Learning Journal rubric.
Pearce, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2013). Strategic management: Planning for domestic & global competition (13th ed.). New York, NY: The McGraw-Hill.
unit 8
Learning Journal time
This week you have really spent a lot of time learning about strategic control systems. Choose a business whose strategy is familiar to you. What do you believe are the key premises of the business”s strategy? Based upon the key indicators, also known as KPI, which would you choose to monitor and why? How would this help this business competitively?
Post in a response that is a minimum of 200 words.
Click here for the Unit 8 Learning Journal rubric.
ID: MT460-08-10-LJ
unit 9
Organizations, leadership, and culture are very popular topics in the business world. Think of a Fortune company that operated like a 20th Century company and has adopted a structure that supports 21st Century characteristics (Pearce & Robinson, 2013, pp. 328″349). What similarities have remained? What differences have emerged?
Post a minimum of 200 words.
Click here for the Unit 9 Learning Journal rubric.
Pearce, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2013). Strategic management: Planning for domestic & global competition(13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
all discussions
Discussion Topic: You the Consumer |
How does competition amongst companies affect you in your daily life (personal and or professional)? Provide a real-world experience that might apply. For instance, consider how you recently chose between at least two products or services offered from rival companies.
What factors made you decide to purchase one over the other? How do these companies compete?
Please respond to this topic in the Discussion Board link in the left navigation.
Be sure to review the Discussion Rubric in the Syllabus.
week 2
Many discussion opportunities come up where you need to respond to other people”s opinions and comments. After you have completed your Reading respond to your Discussion topic.
Discussion Topic: BB&T Vision and Mission Statements |
In preparation for your Discussion topic, please read Chapter 2 Appendix, BB&T Vision, Mission, and Purpose in the Pearce and Robinson text. Post your answer in the Discussion Board along with your source citation in APA format.BB&T Vision, Mission, and Purpose statement is considered an exemplary Mission Statement. Please read it, comment on the positives and negatives of this statement, and defend your answer through APA citation.
Take time to review the responses of your classmates and provide feedback to them.
umnit 3
Discussion Topic: VCA, RBV, and SWOT Analyses |
Discuss how you can use VCA, RBV, and SWOT analyses to gain a stronger sense of what might be a firm”s key building blocks are for a successful strategy.
Choose a Fortune 1000 company to demonstrate these aforementioned analyses.
Please remember to use APA citation (text and list references) to further validate your initial responses. Take time to review the responses of your classmates and provide your feedback.
unit 4
UNIT 4Discussion Topic: Porter”s Five Force Analysis
Choose an industry in which you would like to compete globally. Use the Five-Force method of analysis to explain why you find that industry attractive for business.
Please remember to use APA citation (text and list references) to further validate your initial responses. Take time to review the responses of your classmates and provide your feedback.
unit 5
Discussion Topic: Business Level StrategyVisit the websites of two luxury car makers:
Lincoln at
BMW at
These two automotive giants compete in the same strategic group. Browse each website and search for each company”s business-level strategy.
How are the luxury car competitors” strategies similar? In what manner are they different? Which company has the competitive advantage and why?
unit 6
Why have outsourcing initiatives become a key element in shaping functional tactics for today”s global companies? As a team, choose a Fortune 1,000 company that has adopted the use of outsourcing and has done so successfully. Work with your assigned teammates in the Team Discussion Area to create a collaborative post in this Discussion Board addressing the outsourcing question per your team”s company of choice. Support your finding through proper citation.
Take time to review the responses of your classmates” team and provide your feedback. Cite your sources in APA format and style. Once your team has fully addressed the topic, please post your team response to the General Discussion. Only one team member please to post. Please note, you will be broken up into teams for this Discussion and only your team members will be able to see and participate in the Discussion. In this team Discussion on outsourcing initiatives, you will engage in developing the following professional competency:
unit 10
Discussion Topic: Corporate Entrepreneurship |
If you refer to Exhibit 14.7, Who Is The Entrepreneur? In your text, the top right-hand quadrant defines an entrepreneur as being one who has high creativity and innovativeness but not necessarily high management skills and business know-how (Pearce & Robinson, 2013, p. 414).
Spend some time to review the responses of your fellow learners and provide feedback and challenge them. Cite your sources in APA format.
Pearce, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2013).Strategic management: Planning for domestic & global competition(13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
unit 9
Discussion Topic: Policies and Organizational Culture |
In preparation for this week”s Discussion, your ethical principles will be tested with a short case study where Duke”s Fuqua School of Business was under scrutiny in the manner it addressed the ten percent of MBA Program learners of cheating on a take home test. Another college from New Jersey had a similar incident with its Chinese-based MBA Program learners for plagiarism. Read the Test Your Principles, Exhibit 12.3, page 361, article in your text and respond to the following questions:
1. If you were asked to serve as an Ethics Review Arbitrator, what decision would you have rendered in support of the Duke University MBA Program learners” issue? The Centenary College Chinese MBA Program?
2. In support of your ruling as Ethics Review Arbitrator, explain your key reasons for your decision.
unit 7
UNIT 7Discussion Topic: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Future
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an “idea that business has [as] a duty to serve in general as well as the financial interest of stockholders” (Pearce & Robinson, 2013, p. 57). Do you believe society”s expectations for CSR will change in the next decade (p. 85)? Please explain.
unit 8
Discussion Topic: The Importance of Strategic ControlsRetail companies like Walmart are heavy users of strategic control systems. Think about how it utilizes RFID technology to track products from inventory to the market shelves. Discuss how Walmart relies upon strategic surveillance, special alert control, and implementation control. What improvements might you suggest to the company”s COO relative to strategic control and why?
all assignments
unit 1
The nature and value of strategic management is to achieve the desired results and outcome due to careful research (environmental scanning), planning and development of a company”s strategy as well as the implementation and maintenance of it (Pearce & Robinson, 2013, p. 3).
For this week”s Assignment, you will complete a short answer on the following question:
· Why is strategy important to business?
· You will want to address the main components (three-tier process) of the strategic management process while discussing the importance of strategy for business.
Be sure to use your Reading this week as a resource. You are encouraged also to use the Library databases and the Internet as additional resources.
For additional Assignment details see Rubric below.
Pearce, J. A., & Robinson, R. B. (2013). Strategic management: Planning for domestic & global competition (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Assignment Checklist:
· Explain the concept of the strategic management (three-tier) process.
· Discuss the importance of having a future oriented plan.
· Discuss the organization”s vision, mission, purpose, philosophy or goal.
· Discuss the strategic process as input for future decision making.
For additional Assignment details see Rubric below.
Your project should be double-spaced, citations should use APA style, and it should be 2-3 written pages in length, not including the formal title page and references page.
For assistance with current APA format and citation style visit the Kaplan Writing Center.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
• Before you submit your Assignment, you should save your work on your computer in a location and with a name that you will remember.
• Ensure your Assignment is in a Microsoft Office-compatible format (Word .doc or .docx).
Submit your completed document to the Unit 1 Assignment Dropbox.
unit 5
Case Study Analysis PowerPoint (PPT) Presentation:Prepare a case study analysis on Case 3: “The Apollo Group, Inc. [University of Phoenix]” found in the Cases section of your digital textbook.
Closely follow thePowerPoint Templateby clicking on the hyperlink. Please utilize this template to help you complete this Assignment.
Focus upon the idea of conducting a case study analysis with respect to The Apollo Group”s multi-business strategy using one of the three portfolio approaches to move the company competitively forward. Explain why a business might choose a low cost, differentiation, or speed-based strategy.
Use titles and subtitles per slide for each guidelines element. Please include the SWOT analysis with the four quadrants on the SWOT diagram slide. You can find the Case Study SWOT analysis template in Doc Sharing for reference.
Assignment Checklist:
The PowerPoint template for this Assignment can also be found in Doc Sharing. For extra help on using this template, watch the Assignment video by clicking on the Presentation icon.
For general PowerPoint tutorials, click on the Tutorial icon.
In this Assignment that focuses upon the idea of conducting a case study analysis with respect to multi-business strategy using one of the three portfolio approaches to move the company competitively forward , you will engage in developing the following professional competency:
The case study analysis should be at least ten slides in length (not including the formal title page, References page, and Appendix). Review your work for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. When citing sources (text and list references), use the current APA format and style, especially in the Notes section of the slide. Remember to use only bulleted items on each slide; you can fully explain each one in the Notes section of the PowerPoint presentation
on behalf of your intended audience. For assistance with APA format and citation style visit the Kaplan Writing Center.
unit 2
Unit 2: The Importance of Mission and Vision Statements
Case Study Analysis Paper: The Mission Statement
Prepare a case analysis for Vertu: Nokia”s Luxury Mobile Phone for the Urban Rich.
Closely follow the Case Study Analysis Template by clicking on the hyperlink or you can also find it in Doc Sharing. Please utilize this template format for this Assignment. Use titles and subtitles per the format for readability purposes.
Focus upon the idea of conducting a SWOT analysis with respect to Vertu”s and Nokia”s mission statements (you can include its core values, purpose, and goals too). Please include the SWOT analysis with the four quadrants in the appendix of your paper (after the References page). You can find the Case Study SWOT analysis template in Doc Sharing.
Kwong-Kay Wong, K. (2011, September 28). Vertu: Nokia”s luxury mobile phone for the urban rich. (Report No. W11208).
Watertown, MA: Harvard Business Publishing.
Assignment Checklist:
? Conduct a SWOT analysis on the case study companies” mission statements.
? Create a case study analysis focusing upon the company”s mission statement.
Create at least two to three alternative solutions. Conduct further research on the featured case study company on its website relative to news and press releases, community involvement, and the like. Use this information to help formulate your own original
two to three Alternative Solutions. After choosing one of the two to three Alternative Solutions, discuss the Selected Solution. In the Implementation section, describe how your Selected Solution will be implemented.
The case analysis should be 2-3 written pages in length (not including the formal title page and References page), double-spaced. Ensure that you use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. The citing of sources (text and list references) should use the current APA format and style.
For assistance with APA format and citation style visit the Kaplan Writing Center.
Directions for Submitting Your Project
· Before you submit your project, you should save your work on your computer in a location and with a name that you will remember.
· Make sure your Assignment is in the correct file format (Microsoft Word .doc or .docx).
· When you are ready, you can upload your document to the Unit 2 Assignment Dropbox.
unit 3
Case Study Analysis PaperPrepare a case study analysis on Case 29: “Whole Foods Market 2010: How to Grow in an Increasingly Competitive Market” found in the Cases section of your digital textbook.
Closely adhere to the Case Study Analysis Template by clicking on the hyperlink. Please utilize this template format for this Assignment. Use titles and subtitles per the format for readability purposes.
Focus upon the idea of conducting a SWOT analysis with respect to Whole Food”s internal environment and use long-term objectives to remedy the issue presented in the case study. Please include the SWOT analysis with the four quadrants in the Appendix of your paper (after the References page). You can find the case study SWOT analysis template in Doc Sharing.
Assignment Checklist:
The case analysis should be 2″3 written pages in length (not including the formal title page and References page), double-spaced
.Ensure that you use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. When citing sources (text and list references),you should use the current APA format and style
.For assistance withAPAformat and citation style visit the Kaplan Writing Center.Directionsfor Submitting Your ProjectBefore submitting your project, you should save the document on your computer in a location and with a name that you will easilyremember
unit 4
Unit 4: The External and Global Environments
Case Study Analysis Paper:
Prepare a case study analysis on Case 14, Louis Vuitton in Japan, found in the Cases section of your Pearce and Robinson textbook.
Closely follow the Case Study Analysis Template by clicking on the hyperlink. Please utilize this template format for this
Assignment. Use titles and subtitles per the format for readability purposes. Focus upon the idea of conducting a SWOT analysis with respect to Louis Vuitton”s external and global environment, which includes the remote, industry, and operating environments. Please include the SWOT Analysis with the four quadrants in the appendix of your paper (after the References page). You can find the SWOT Analysis template in Doc Sharing.
Assignment Checklist:
• Conduct a SWOT Analysis on the case study company”s external and global environment.
• Create a case study analysis on the company”s external and global environmental issues while focusing upon the remote industry, and operating environments.
Create at least two to three alternative solutions. Conduct further research on the featured case study company on its website relative to news and press releases, community involvement, and the like. Use this information to help formulate your own original two to three Alternative Solutions. After choosing one of the two to three Alternative Solutions, discuss the Selected Solution. In the Implementation section, describe how your Selected Solution will be implemented.Format
The case analysis should be 2″3 written pages in length (not including the formal title page and References page), double-spaced.
Ensure that you have used correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. When citing sources (text and list
references), you should use current APA format and style.
For assistance on APA format and citation style visit the Kaplan Writing Center.
unit 6
Prepare a case study analysis of Case 12: “LEGO Group: An Outsourcing Journey” found in the Cases section of your digital book.
Closely adhere to theCase Study Analysis Templateby clicking on the hyperlink. Please utilize this template format for this Assignment. Use titles and subtitles per the format for readability purposes.
Focus upon the idea of the company”s short-term objectives, and through internal and external analyses create functional tactics to support the company”s implementation and outsourcing proposition in order to help move LEGO Group forward. Please include the SWOT analysis with the four quadrants in the Appendix of your paper (after the References page). You can find the case study SWOT analysis template in Doc Sharing.
Assignment Checklist:
In this Assignment on conducting a SWOT analysis on the case study company”s internal and external challenges, you will engage in developing the following professional competency:
The case analysis should be 2″3 written pages in length (not including the formal title page and References page),
double-spaced. Ensure that you use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. The citing of sources
(text and list references) should use the current APA format and style.
unit 7
Case Study Analysis Paper: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Business EthicsPrepare a case study analysis on Case 13: “Lennar Corporation”s Joint Venture Investments,” found in the Cases section of your digital textbook.
Closely follow theCase Study Analysis Templateby clicking on the hyperlink. Please utilize this template format for this Assignment. Use titles and subtitles per the format for readability purposes.
Focus upon the idea of the company”s abuse and fraudulent activities with respect to Lennar”s behavior relative to CSR and business ethics. Please include the SWOT analysis with the four quadrants in the Appendix of your paper (after the References page). You can find the case study SWOT analysis template in Doc Sharing.
Assignment Checklist:
In this Assignment on conducting a SWOT analysis on the case study that focuses on the company”s abuse and fraudulent activities relative to CSR and business ethics, you will engage in developing the following professional competency:
For additional Assignment details see Rubric below.
The case analysis should be 2″3 written pages in length (not including the formal title page and References page),
double-spaced. Ensure that you use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. The citing of sources
(text and list references) should use the current APA format and style
.unit 8 assignment
Case Study Analysis Paper:Prepare a case study analysis of Case 2 “Ann Taylor: Survival in Specialty Retail” found in the Cases section of your digital book.
Closely adhere to theCase Study Analysis Templateby clicking on the hyperlink. Please utilize this template format for this Assignment. Use titles and subtitles per the format for readability purposes.
Focus upon the idea of the company”s balanced scorecard and control systems to guide and monitor its strategy implementation in order to help move Ann Taylor competitively forward. Please include the SWOT analysis with the four quadrants in the appendix of your paper (after the References page). You can find the case study SWOT analysis template in Doc Sharing.
Assignment Checklist:
For additional Assignment details see Rubric below.
ID: MT460-08-08-A
unit 9
Prepare a case study analysis of Case 9, Defender Direct, Inc.: A Business of Growing Leaders found in the Cases section of your digital book.
Closely adhere to theCase Study Analysis Templateby clicking on the hyperlink. Please utilize this template format for this Assignment. Use titles and subtitles per the format for readability purposes.
Focus upon the idea of the company”s strategy-culture relationship and which of the four strategy-culture situations should it implement in order to help move Defender Direct forward.
Please include the SWOT analysis with the four quadrants in the appendix of your paper (after the References page). You can find the case study SWOT analysis template in Doc Sharing.
Assignment Checklist:
For additional Assignment details see Rubric below.
The case analysis should be 2″3 written pages in length (not including the formal title page and References page),
double-spaced. Ensure that you use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage. The citing of sources
(text and list references) should use the current APA format and style.
unit 10
The Final Assignment is your opportunity to bring all your learning together. This Strategic Management Plan presentation is an in-depth case study analysis of the company of your choice.Click herefor Final Project Guidelines which are also available in Doc Sharing.
You may choose either a