Adult vs. Juvenile Court
Create a blog. Imagine you are a detective in a criminal trial. You are to locate and research a juvenile case involving
homicide. Summarize the case.
1). What issues arose surrounding the case in terms of adjudicating the suspect in juvenile or adult court?
2). How, if found guilty, was the juvenile sentenced
3). Do you believe that the sentence was adequate? Excessive?
4). What are the ages of the
5). What relation did the victims have to the juveniles?
6). Was this gang activity?
7). How much crime is currently in this area and environment?
8). How can management of policing change the outcome of this case?
9). Did police use proper search and seizure laws
during the investigation?
10). What was the court process like for these defendants?
Support your position. If you were called to testify, what would you state?
Explain in your blog in depth.