September 16, 2020
Six Sigma process improvement
September 16, 2020

Justice Administration

Question 11.

The major ethical challenge facing the law enforcement agencies is the compromise to the integrity issue. As much as the police officers would like to maintain high levels of integrity, they will most of the times be faced with the urge to compromise with the criminals they identify (Fielding, 1995). The urge to compromise will mostly come from the fact that most police officers are poorly paid and hence they will be willing to take a boost for their pay.

Most of the officers will lack prudence; most of the officers will lack the ability to decide without bias between conflicting issues. The lack of prudence will be mostly brought about by the personal interest of the individuals in the various cases they handle.

Police officers involved in community policing will most likely lack justice in their dealings. The police officers will deal with different people in different social classes; people in the higher social classes are more likely to influence the police officers to make decisions in their favor in return of rewards.

Police officers might harass the suspects that are arrested during the process. They may harass those suspects in order to get more information from them or so as to act as punishment to those suspects.

Question 12

It should not be allowed for police officers to take gratuities. Police officers are supposed to act in an impartial way where they offer justice to all. As much as gratuities might be nothing more than just a thank note, it might be clear that the gratuity might cause the police officer to be biased towards the person who offered a tip next time the two have a case to deal with (Miller, Blackler & Alexandra, 1997).

However, the job that police officers do is a hard and hence they should be allowed to receive a tip off on special circumstances. One of the circumstances when they should be allowed a tip-off is after conducting a particular activity. The top officials should ensure that the officers should only accept a gratuity as a form of appreciation after conducting a particular job. There should be no form of any gratuity allowed if the police are dealing with a certain case and also if they are not through with the activity.

By limiting the conditions under which a police officer can accept a gratuity, it will encourage the officers to remain impartial in their services making sure that they are not biased due to a previous event.

Question 13

Employee has a right against any form of discrimination. The employer should treat the employee fairly and equally in the workplace and also the fellow employees (Busse, 2004). Fair treatment will range from equal treatment in promotion and assignment of duties.

The employee can be represented in the workplace by any union of their wish. The employee is free to join any trade union that they feel comfortable working with, and they have a right to let the trade union bargain for them collectively.

Any employee who has been sexually abused by the employer or fellow employee has the right to press charges for harassment. The employee will seek for compensation according to the damages suffered or they will sue for the torts committed.

The employee might also press charges against the company if they feel that their employer is harassing them either physically or emotionally. Emotional harassment might come from the limitations of the employee on the actions they can take including joining any trade union they wish. Physical harassment will come as a result of physical infringement of rights such as physical abuse.

Question 14

Greater standards of conduct are mostly emphasized by the state, and the employer so as to ensure there is greater productivity and also to make sure there exist a good relationship between employees and the employers.

Employees should ensure they have high level of sexual behavior. Each employee should respect the fellow employee or the boss regardless of their sexuality. No employees are supposed to have any sexual relationship in the course of their duties as this will undermine the conductivity of the business in the organization.

Employees are supposed to disclose all other business they do on the side that might limit the performance of their job. The employee will be more comfortable making certain decisions if he or she is sure about the employee welfare outside the business. For this reason, it shows higher levels of conducts if the employee discloses all information about his or her activities outside the organization.

Employee should state their residence to the employer. Residence might not have a direct impact; however, knowing the residence will help the employer make certain decisions that include emergency issues.

Use of firearms and drug abuse in the company premises is highly illegal. Employees using drugs or firearms in the company premises are considered a threat to the company and they are most likely going to cause underperformance of the other employees. Underperformance of the other employees will mostly come from the fear and the threats they feel exposed to by the other employees.

Question 15

In the text, ethics is defined as the philosophical study of activities that contribute to integrity (Peak, 2012). I agree with this definition since a person will choose what to do and if he or she chooses to behave well, he or will be termed as a good person and will get along with others well.

I also agree with the text definition of ethics since ethics is a scope that is wider than obeying the law. Ethical behavior is not enforceable by the law and for this reason; it must come from an individual willingness to do a particular task in the best way possible.


Busse, R. (2004). Employees’ rights (1st ed.). Naperville, Ill.: Sphinx Pub.

Fielding, N. (1995). Community policing (1st ed.). Oxford [England]: Clarendon Press.

Miller, S., Blackler, J., & Alexandra, A. (1997). Police ethics (1st ed.). St. Leonards, NSW:

Allen & Unwin.

Peak, K. J. (2012). Justice administration: Police, courts, and corrections management

(7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.