Just need help find potential market and product to get your export operations started and present your findings to potential investors.

When a guest stays at a hotel, they are, at-the-minimum, promised a clean, safe and comfortable accommodation€¦€¦€¦€¦
July 22, 2020
Written Business Plan and Presentation
July 22, 2020

Just need help find potential market and product to get your export operations started and present your findings to potential investors.

Just need help find potential market and product to get your export operations started and present your findings to potential investors. Don”t need it in in a power point slide I can do that just need to be sent in the right direction.


Description of product to be exported
Characteristics of target market
GNP/capita growth rate
Size of market
Market screening
Basic need potential
Exchange rate trends
Import restrictions
Price controls

Government and public attitude toward buying American products
Size, number, and financial strength of competitors
Sociocultural forces
Attitudes and beliefs
Export marketing strategies
Promotion methods