Topic: Just as women are starting to do jobs that used to be thought of as “men’s work,” men are also starting to do job that used to be considered only “women’s work.” Write an essay about these changes in tradition.
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400 words
– Pls put example / detail / fact/ evidence to make the point strongly and sufficiently with references.
– pls make the example represent the type of situation you want to see the diffirence not stereotype.
– All example should should true.
– Is the example relevant to your point? Will the reader see a logical connection? For example one way to reduce the number of car in the cities might be to out law single passenger cars in the city center during peak hours. Some peoplein New York city propose that cars entering the center of the city in the morning hours be required to carry two or more passengers.
**pls highlight on the essay with different colors that you meet the 4 requirements above.