Judicial Process: Supreme Court decision on Sixth Amendment protects criminal defendants..

Case Study 1: Cyber Security in Business Organizations
April 1, 2020
Hometown Deli Case Study
April 1, 2020

Judicial Process: Supreme Court decision on Sixth Amendment protects criminal defendants..

Judicial Process: Supreme Court decision on Sixth Amendment protects criminal defendants….

Judicial Process: Supreme Court decision on Sixth Amendment protects criminal defendants….

Respond to both essay questions. Be sure your essay is in APA format with a title page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion and reference page along with in-text citations to your textbook and to scholarly outside materials. Submit your essay exam in one WORD document and place it in the appropriate assignment drop box.

Baum, Lawrence (2013). American Courts: Process and Policy, 7th Edition. New York: Aspen. (ISBN: 978-0-495-91637-6).

Essay 1: In a 200 – 250 word essay, please respond to the following prompt: Taking into consideration the function of the courts in a system like the US, how important is it that the courts are accountable for their rulings and actions versus how important is it that courts have the independence to function regardless of the politics or popularity of their rulings? In your answer, be sure to explain the function of the courts and how they work within our political and policy making system as well as the issue of accountability versus independence.

Essay 2: In a 200 – 250 word essay, please respond to the following prompt : What are the similarities and differences between the methods of selection of judges for the federal courts and the various state courts and how do these methods of selection influence the composition of the courts and, ultimately, the rulings they produce? In your answer, be sure to compare and contrast the various selection processes and then explain how they impact the attributes of judges, their perspectives and, ultimately perhaps, their rulings.