Journalism, mass media and communication Academic Essay

find a case, summarise it(40%) and critically analyze it(60%)(2015-2016)
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Journalism, mass media and communication Academic Essay

comparing 60 minutes, the original nationally-broadcast TV program in the investigative mode, with one among the shows with a similar style that have followed. ABC 20/20. You will need to watch an episode of 60 minutes and an episode of 20/20 and give your insights, your reflections on what you see especially how the two programs differ. Your comparison paper should include all the differences that you can determine between 60 minutes and 20/20. This might include differences in topics, differences in journalistic staffs in terms of gender and race, and differences in pace and presentation. All the programs have differences and I would like you to discuss and evaluate them– and to incorporate the history of 60 Minutes into your analysis.

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?Posted on May 11, 2016?Author Tutor?Categories Question, Questions