Journal International Relations

Using all three e-Activities and with reference to Intervention Techniques For Integrating Ethics Into Agency Operations in Denhardt,
September 15, 2020
You do volunteer work for a local hospital auxiliary. The hospital supplies the stock to be sold at its gift shop.
September 15, 2020

Journal International Relations

This article by Joseph Nye reviews a deep probing of various kind of powers, outlines the diffusion of power away from state-to non-states actors, deep research of these different kinds of power, and analyzes transitions between states that have rose and fallen. Persuasive has been the liberal-realist strategy by Nye. This is evidenced when he point out that Americans are capable of stemming political decline and even extend economic prosperity through considering a smart strategy of power that do not allow seeking primacy and instead go for alignment with the rest of the nations. The literature has its roots origins form Sun-Tzu leading back to George W. Bush, indicating some of the historical events as well as the impact they have had over the span of centuries. Qualities that mark successful and failed leaders have been defined (Nye, 158).

It seems like hard power remains of significant within a world of states that are trying to protect their independence and ready to violence non-state groups. Towards the new national security strategy, the Bush administration strategy mainly centered on this ideology. However, Nye indicates that the neo-conservatives who are the advisors of he president tend to make an enormous miscalculation. This is because they have concentrated their focus on using America’s military power in forcing the rest of the nations to follow their will, yet they have decided to focus narrowly on soft power. Using soft power provide a platform to prevent terrorists from being involved in recruiting supporters from among the moderate majority; a primary tool that should always be used by America.

Kaplan Article

This article by Kaplan point out a warning that the early 21st century especially within undeveloped world is likely to experience environmental degradation, urban overcrowding and disease, breakdown of central governmental authority, tribal warfare, and affiliated rise in crime. He reveals that the most important thing is peace which according to him will definitely make the average citizen to become self-absorbed, complacent, as well as forgetful of history, and the view the historical generalizations always tend to come very fast and furious, which may seem to be so isolated from factors such as politics, culture, education, mass media, and technology as a whole, that leaves readers who persevere past the scintillating title essay undefined and disoriented. In his essay, Kaplan is determined to raise a red flag in the current optimism about the direction of global affairs in the 21st century.

During the late 1980s after the Cold War ended, the trend of optimism developed throughout the Western world countries. Regardless of the experienced fierce regional conflicts that left the period of 1990’s scared, such optimism somehow endured in the American public consciousness. What seemed to e the way forward was the worldwide growth of democracy as well as free trade that would ensure peace and prosperity for all, and on the hand the 21st century find democratic capitalism to be the best way for human societies to organize themselves. Kaplan views most of people in 21st century to look like they are not aware of what is happening or simply have chosen not to think (Kaplan and Rieff, 95).

Civilizations Clash

The above article by Samuel P. Huntington provokes and tries to analyze the state of world politics once the communism had fallen. He provides an explanation of the way “civilization” have in a way replaced nations as well as ideologies that are currently the driving force in global politics, and focuses keenly on the current climate and future possibilities of our world’s volatile political culture.

This article described thesis is mainly a future cultural form of the segregations that exist among people and the powerful forces of strife. The author rates the international cultures into seven main civilizations namely western, Latin America, Confucian, Japanese, Hindu, Slavic-Orthodox and Islamic. He only judge Africa as a possible civilization depending the level at which an individual views the development of an Africa consciousness came to develop (Huntington, 32).

As much as the argument of Huntington holds that the end of ideological confrontation between liberal democracy and communist will definitely see occurrence of future conflict majorly along the borders between civilizations at a micro level. The argument also point out that conflict is predicted at macro level between states from different civilizations of different kinds in order to gain control of the international institutions as well as economic and military power, and such mix conflicts tend to be normal indicating that nation-states are new phenomenon within a world that has been dominated for various of its history by conflict between civilizations. The fact that inter-civilization strife is mainly encouraged by geopolitical reasons as compared to cultural uniqueness makes such statements seem unreliable while the described differences seem to be an equivalent or even more convincing manner of analyzing most of the history trends.

Back to the future: instability

The argument of this article by Mearsheimer is that the prospect for major crises, as well as war in Europe, may markedly increase with the end of Cold War and the possible emergence of a multipolar structure. Such conclusion deemed as pessimistic depends on the evidence that the distribution as well as the military power’ character tends to be the root causes of war and peace. In case the region is left by the superpowers then, various effects will be realized. Some of the principal policy prescriptions include efforts to forestall the re-emergence of hyper-nationalism in Europe, the continued presence of U.S. in Europe even upon withdrawal by Soviet Union, encouraging especially in Europe the process of limited nuclear proliferation (John, 6).

The designs of the global system seem to be the best options for peace and war as compared to individual states nature. Indeed there seems to be an indication of the the likelihood an increase in the prospects for major crises and war in Europe in case the Cold War will end emergence of a multi-polar structure hence. Through the usage of neorealist outline to clarify the main reasons as to why there has been no war for the past 45 years, this is in addition to the difference with the bloody period before the Cold War. Although hyper-nationalism and other domestic factors happen to affect the probability of war, the military power still plays an important role. War and peace across the nations is a very sensitive phenomenon which needs a much deeper understanding of the factors that are connected with them.

What’s New? What’s Not?

The article tries to analyze what globalization entails if there are changes that have been realized as currently, or is there something that has still remained since the realization of globalization. Globalization began as people travelled across the world to search for goods and money as people lives began to change, and so was the exchange of the existing cultures and political ideas. Britain taking the forefront in adopting free trade policy forms of communication continued to be set up in other places around the world to pave the way for trade, as well as political exchanges.

The analysis covers the main factors that contributed to the achievement of globalization in some areas in addition to some of the inhibiting factors that delayed globalization in others.It also acknowledged the journey that globalization has taken to reach its level currently. Although the full potential has not yet been attained there is hope that globalization will reach further to its potential and assist more in the aiding different generation find a better and a more convenient way of achieving their goals in life as they reach out for one another across the universe.

Currently globalization tends to be more dominant as compared to previous days and having more influential factors. The argument is that its basis has existed for over 200 years taking up speed and development sometimes experiencing relapse along the journey. As a result, globalization is currently felt further just like many of the countries have been affected by it. Likewise, additional MNC’s have come up, a factor that was not experienced within the very many parts of globalization development (Keohane and Joseph, 105).

