September 25, 2020
Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy
September 25, 2020

Journal entry 2


I was directed to this website by a classmate yesterday after falling out with our teacher in class. The class started normally but even after trying all my tactics, I couldn’t concentrate or escape some sips of sleep. I was woken up severally by classmates before my teacher realized. Unfortunately my teacher realized that I was sleeping in class. When my teacher realized my behavior in class, I had to be sent out.

This event inflicted torture in my head. I was a kind of a student who had always aimed at staying attentive in class and sitting in front. I strived to answer all the questions that my teachers were asking. After this event, I was amazed by the kind of advice I was receiving from my classmates. Most of them advised me to be carrying chewing gum in class. The point was that it will keep me awake. The other lot of advised me to refrain from sitting at the front. They explained that teachers always target the students who seat at the front with their questions, and even comments. The other advice that even amazed me more is that I should refrain from answering questions in class. This particular classmate argued that the habit of answering questions in class made the teacher to notice a particular face, and the teacher may make it a habit to be directing questions to the person. My amazement came to the acme when I came across this website. It advises students to behave on a similar manner. By going across the content in this website, one wonders whether it is really advising students. I am not yet convinced.