Joseph Conrad(Heart of Darkness),Richard Wright(Invisible Man),and Ernest Hemingway(The Old Man and the Sea depend on Central images

October 11, 2020
Organizational Diagnosis
October 12, 2020

Joseph Conrad(Heart of Darkness),Richard Wright(Invisible Man),and Ernest Hemingway(The Old Man and the Sea depend on Central images

Paper instructions:

5 Pages Research paper. Intro Thesis (Talking about controlling images ) 2. (Use 3 quotes from each novel) two have to be from the book. And one is a secondary  source . Make sure is support the claims. Some of the images in each novel, Conrad:Darkness in terms of the Dark Continent , madness in Kurtz , the I ntended at the end of novel, as she remains in mourning clothes is in the never learns the truth even from Marlow about Kurtz : Hemingway: shark, flag of permanent , defeat, Wright:Invisibilty and blindness, in term of what the grandfater words, narrator never reveals name, the blindfolds in the battle royal fight. and make sure your conclusion has a great closing . And paper much be double space