Job Opportunities for International Students

production and consumption habits
October 12, 2020
HIM Acquisition and Implementation Plan: Part One
October 12, 2020

Job Opportunities for International Students

Job Opportunities for International Students

1. Primary audience is Office Career Service.

2. Why I chose this topic is Many international students in the United States are struggling for employment in the U.S. even after getting their graduation degrees. With restrictive visa requirements and limited job opportunities, international students often have a tough time securing work in the United States. Even though they study in U.S. for a long time, they often have to go back to their own counties for employment. We need to improve this problem for international students in order to secure their professional lives.

• include information about how you plan to accomplish your project and who the audience is. This is very important information.
• What form will your final project be in? Some examples are as follows: a proposal, a research report, a product (such as a user’s manual or brochure for a customer with other associated documentation – formal report for example). I am open to suggestions. Remember, in this class, everyone will do some sort of recommendation report, but the deliverables accompanying the report will differ.
• When considering your project, try to find an actual customer (fill a need). For example, provide a real response to an RFP or write an unsolicited proposal. This will help you develop a product that is more meaningful and more related to your audience. We will be actually presenting the project to a real world audience, with whom you will need to have contact throughout the semester.
• Include responses to the following:

o Problem you are addressing or situation you will improve
o Purpose for your project
o Primary audience (who is in a position to take action on your ideas)
o Secondary audience (who will be involved in implementing your suggestion or using the product you create)
o Who will be directly affected by your ideas?
o Reason you are in a position to research your topic?
o The format (specific genre) your final project will take – remember that if you are choosing to do a project like a brochure or website, a formal report must accompany the project as part of the project. In other words, what will your deliverable to the customer be?
o Do you anticipate developing your own original research (for example, surveys)? Everybody is required to develop a survey, but will you actually use this survey in your project? Will it be helpful to you?
o Whom will you interview?
o Other research (academic or professional journals, for example). Include research sources to date. Each person is required to research at least five academic or professional sources separately.
o Preliminary sources of information/research and short summary of sources.
o Detailed schedule. This is extremely important! Start with when project was assigned and end on December 4, when project is due.