May 15, 2020
American Popular Culture of Violence in American Cinema
May 15, 2020

job description

Research a company at which you would like to work (not your current employer) and write a six page paper in which

1. Create a brief job description for a position within the company you research that you would like to fill.

I would like to be a Chief Operating Officer or Chief Administration Officer for one of the top hospitals in the
2. Discuss ways that goal setting could be used to motivate your performance after you fill the position.
3. Analyze your own reactions to stressful situations and discuss the steps you could take to manage the stress
associated with your new position.
4. Imagining yourself in the position you have described, discuss how you would address nonverbal and cultural
barriers to communication.

? Explain the variety of motivational theories and job design considerations.
? Determine how workplace stress contributes to individual performance.
? Assess how the communication process impacts an organization.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in organizational behavior.
? Write clearly and concisely about organizational behavior using proper writing mechanics.