Job Analysis;Descriptions and Specifications (CASE) Module 2

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May 21, 2020
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May 21, 2020

Job Analysis;Descriptions and Specifications (CASE) Module 2

Upon completion of the required readings in this module discuss the results and practical implications of this material in your assignment. Your discussion should not only recite the findings but relate those findings to the literature on the subject. Specifically, in 3 to 4 pages respond to the following:

1. What is job analysis and what is its role in human resource management?

2. How does job analysis drive job descriptions?

3. How can job analysis and job descriptions be used effectively in the hiring process? How can they be used in the medical arena?
Running Head: BHS 414 Module 2 €“ Case

BHS 414 €“ Cross-Cultural Health Perspectives 2€“ Case
Cultural Identity
Joanne Yearwood
TUI University Spring 2012

Write a 2 €“ 3 page essay that addresses the following questions:
1. To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may impact health education efforts? Please provide examples that apply to the case studies from the video.
2. To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may enhance health education efforts? Please provide examples that apply to the case studies from the video.
3. In terms of communicating with patients of different cultures, what did the health professionals in the video clips do well?
4. What suggestions would you make to help the health professionals improve their cross-cultural communication skills with these patients?

This paper will discuss and explain how cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may impact health as well as enhance education efforts. Cultural is a way of living, thinking and behaving, it is learned within the family and guides us in the ways we solve problems, and live our daily lives. It also includes many elements, to include language, our customs, beliefs, traditions, and way of communicating. Another way you can define culture is to describe it as the way things are done around here. Culture impacts all aspect of our lives in our attitudes, values, belief, and behavior shared by members of our family, society and/or population.
Summation of the Findings
To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may impact health education efforts? Please provide examples that apply to the case studies from the video.
All cultures have systems of health beliefs to explain what causes illness, how it can be cured or treated, and who should be involved in the process. The extent to which Justine’s mother and grandmother perceives education as having cultural relevance for them can have a profound effect on their reception to information provided and their willingness to use it. Asians and Pacific Islanders, have strong cultural beliefs such as the older family members is often the decision maker and spokesperson, they have a significant influence and their view are respected and their authority is often unquestioned. The video clearly exemplifies how traditional values can play a big role in influencing health decision of the family by Justine’s grandmother. During the examination of Justine, Dru Foote, RN, the nurse practitioner stated that Justine had a whole in the muscle wall of the heart, yet the grandmother did not believe it, she believed that Justine is ok, and her health was not in jeopardy. After meeting with the nurse practitioner, they also meet with the physician who identify again, that Justine had a whole in muscle wall, and it can be repaired surgically, but an insertion had to be made in the chest, in order to make the necessary repair in the heart wall. The physician clearly states if the surgery is not done in the first or second year of the child’s life, the child is at risk for developing blood clots, which can develop weakness of the heart, and this can and it can possibly develop heart failure. The grandmother objected strongly of the surgery, because she sees the surgery as a type of mutilation and the implication is that Justine would be affected in this life and the next. Her concept is that it would better for Justine to live a short life than to be mutilated for all time. Justine grandmother opposition was heard and respected, and sin order to promote Justine’s healing process she would plans a Soo-kwon ceremony to call on the spirits of the ancestors to aid Justine’s condition, The Bai Sri Soo Kwan welcoming ceremony defined as is a traditional belief and shows the nice culture of Isaan people. Anyone participating in this ceremony will find luck, fortune, happiness, auspicious things and prosperity for him or her as well as their families, he noted. . Although in the Asian cultures, maintaining harmony is an important value; therefore, there is a strong emphasis on avoiding conflict and direct confrontation. Due to respect for authority, disagreement with the recommendations of health care professionals is avoided. However, lack of disagreement does not indicate that either the patient/and or family agree with or will follow treatment recommendations.


To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may enhance health education efforts? Please provide examples that apply to the case studies from the video.
Effective patient/family education efforts requires an understanding of factors that influence the patient/family in the decision making, values, beliefs, attitudes, current life stresses, religion, and previous experiences with the health care system, and life goals. The physician/and practitioner should begin with giving information to the patient/family as demonstrated in the video by the Dru Foote, RN, and the primary physician Dr. Kate Newkumet, MD, Pediatric Cardiologist. The family’s communication and cooperation with the physician involves choices every day. For example if Justine’s mother would speak with her mother about what Dr. Newkumet explained to her, about the hole not closing in children as old as Justine, in addition using some traditional approaches such as the Soo-kwon ceremony and then the family can compare the risk of doing the surgery, and then investigate the next step, so in this regard culture, beliefs, values and traditions enhanced health education efforts for Justine. Patients and families need to be able to refer back to information, review important points repeatedly, and have a tangible, take-away product or examples, the greater the positive impact.
In terms of communicating with patients of different cultures, what did the health professionals in the video clips do well?
The professionals demonstrated that they had learned about the cultural traditions of the patient/families that they care for, they pay close attention to the body language of Justines’s mother, she did not show hesitant to share her concerns, they asked -end questions to gain more information about their assumptions and expectations. They remain non-judgmental when given information that reflects values and that were different from theirs. The physician ask the purpose of the Soo-kwon ceremony, keeping the mother engage in conversation, in addition she had an opportunity to share with the physician that if anything happened to Justine during surgery she would be blame by the family her anxiety appeared to have decreased.
What suggestions would you make to help the health professionals improve their cross-cultural communication skills with these patients?
I really appreciated the interaction that the professionals demonstrated towards these patients. They remain non-judgmental when give information that reflects values they were different from theirs, yet still reminding the patient how important it is to keep appointments, and maintain an line of communication. According to (O’Donnell, 1995)the Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. states that oral and visual tools help patients absorb new information, which increase learning can be used is supplementing text with pictures help when providing self-care or medication instructions, tailoring medication schedules to fit a patient’s daily routine, color coding medicines, and using daily events as reminders can help increase compliance, videotaped patient education materials increase knowledge and promote correct self-care.


Click here for Video Clip €“ Case Study of Alicia
