IT Trends and Predictions for Priorities in the Future

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IT Trends and Predictions for Priorities in the Future

Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced)

Number of sources: 1

Writing Style: APA

IT Trends and Predictions for Priorities in the Future
A key challenge to Chief Information Officers (CIOs) and their staff is the ever-changing landscape in the Information Technology world. CIOs must be concerned not only with overseeing the current operation of the IT Department and how it best supports the business strategy, but they must also be focused on the years ahead. This is important, first to ensure that today’s technology decisions will likely align and be compatible with future requirements, and secondly, that the CIO is well versed in the trends so he or she can advise the business of the potential of technology advancements and concerns. This will help the organization, overall, to make good business decisions.
The Gartner Group, is a leading consulting and advisory group. You will find their web site has interesting information. Also the UMUC library has access to some subscriber services that provide access to information and reports not available to the general public (look under Gartner in the database listings). Their website
provides summaries of Gartner’s predictions of what the top areas are that will likely significantly impact IT this year and beyond. You can also search Gartner Group on the internet. The summaries cover many different aspects of IT.
Each of you should select one of these predictions and add why you think it is a significant concern for CIOs and IT staff. What do you think IT needs to consider based on this? Do a little more research and see if you can find additional information. Some of these areas may be ones you’re not really familiar with and that’s to be expected. But each of you should be able to select one that makes sense to you and address it in your response.