Israel and the Occupied Territories
See the document listed as “UN Report on the Occupied Territories_March 2015.pdf”. This report contains several timelines of events in 2014 (pp 5, 8, 14, etc.). Select one or more events to research and compare coverage of the event in a US news outlet and that of at least one other country. You might, for example, examine news reports in the UK’s Guardian newspaper (
), or the Independent (
), Israel’s Ha’aretz (
) or Jerusalem Post (
), or Qatar’s Al Jazeera (
Analyze the coverage in terms of the relevant theories and concepts discussed in class. You might consider one or more of the following questions: Was the event even reported in the U.S.? If so, what were the differences in, for example, prominence, framing, word choice, sourcing, etc.? To what extent can one understand the US coverage in terms of the Propaganda Model, Hallin’s Three Spheres, or the PR Strategies discussed in the documentary, Peace, Propaganda and the Promised Land?
Provide complete references for all sources used.
In addition, attach the news articles or include links to the articles analyzed. Any paper lacking references will receive no higher than a D. Any evidence of plagiarism will merit an F for the course.