islamic finance vs conventional finance

Operation management
May 21, 2020
Organizational Values Presentation
May 21, 2020

islamic finance vs conventional finance

islamic finance vs conventional finance

Order Description

The main objective is to introduce Islamic finance and how does it differ from conventional Normal finance.

a good explanation of the notion of riba and how does Islamic banking profit if interest is forbidden?

a good explanation on sukuk Islamic bonds and how they work?

In a world where Islamic finance is used (Western World) what would have happened during the Great Financial Crises (GFC) of 2008? Would have it even occurred?

*Side note: the overall theme is to point out that Islamic finance is a reliable system. That it can be implemented worldwide and not just in Islamic countries.

**Side note: double-spaced. Times new roman size 12 font. Business report format. references required (3-5).