Islamic Feminism

Islamic Feminism

Talk about before and after modernity in Islam. No plagiarism
From the lecture:
Muslim feminism
The drive towards more equality for Muslim women, though many decades old in the Muslim world, has taken on new intellectual and hermeneutical ramifications with the coming to being of post-revivalist Islamic culture.
Previous attempts in the Muslim world to address real grievances related to gender relationships and the position of women in the Muslim world tended to take western emancipation paradigms as their point of reference which, while freeing women from some forms of oppression, entangled them in other varieties of objectification no less sinister. 
With the coming of Islamic revival there was some general talk about the equality of women in Islam and the few examples of some women in Muslim history who had leading roles

The qualitative difference effected in this domain with the onset of post-revivalist Islamic culture is the hermeneutical engagement with Muslim sources with a view to uncouple their essence from the dominant tribalist cultures which read into these texts notions about gender relationships oppressive towards women and stifling of their role in society. The intellectual effort in this domain is geared towards un-reading patriarchal interpretations of the Quran when it comes to the issue of the status of women and their position in the family and the wider world. Thus it aspires to rescue the original Quranic conception about women from the historical and traditionalist weight which has thus far yielded a distorting image. 

The way which Muslim women intellectuals, foremost among whom are Amina Wadud and Asma Barlas, see that a more authentic and egalitarian reading of the position of women in Muslim sources can be achieved is through a three stage process which begins with a thematic reading of the Quran. This involves gathering all the verses in the Quran which deal with a certain subject and deducing, in a comprehensive manner, the Quranic view about it. Secondly studying the context of the Quran and how it interacted with society and events. Central to this point is which verses had a particular application and which ones had general and timeless relevance and which ones were of a clear-cut (muhkamat) nature and those that were ambiguous (mutashabihat). The third step is to study the interpretive practices and the process of knowledge formation in Islam with its resultant exclusion of women.

It is anticipated that with the coming to fruition of the efforts of these intellectuals and many other conscientious male and female scholars in the Muslim world that we will see a transformation in the Muslim world in the not too distant future which will do away with the erroneous, unjust and backward understanding about the role of women in Islam which is still current in many Muslim societies

JUST AN IDEA. and include some related information and people.

origin of culture,
July 1, 2020
July 1, 2020