Ethical Standards Academic Essay
August 14, 2020
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August 14, 2020

Islamic Bank Academic Essay

A brief about Islamic loans and type of islamic loans such as : Murabaha financing, Musharaka financing, Istisna’a financing and Ijarah financing, Musawama and Mudabara ) and talk about the three banks that we will work on the ( Alrayyan, Qatar islamic bank ( QIB ) and Qatar international Islamic bank ( QIIB)
Type of loans Amounts
Murabaha QR 62,584,057,000
Musawama QR 15,146,418,000
Mudaraba QR 627,970,000
Istisna’a QR 689,751,000
Ijarah QR 18,984,693,000
Others QR 376,433,000
Total QR 98,409,322,000

( you should add a summary about the table above + 2 type of charts “histogram or par chart” one to compare them together and the other one to rank the type of loans)

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Posted on May 3, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions