iscuss the ethical issues related to discrimination and to measures of affirmative action. Illustrate your answer with examples

Ability to think and persuade
July 12, 2020
Explain each stage of the management plan and justify your rationale
July 12, 2020

iscuss the ethical issues related to discrimination and to measures of affirmative action. Illustrate your answer with examples

Paper instructions:
I have three questions. Need a MBA level answer for each question. Each answer should have more than 550 words.
Q1. Discuss the ethical issues related to discrimination and to measures of affirmative action. Illustrate your answer with examples.
Q2. Using two normative moral theories of your choice, explain the relevance of business ethics to managers. Illustrate your answer with examples.
Q3. Critically question conventional, mainstream business ethics theory regarding its political, capitalist market ideology. Illustrate your answer with examples
